Blippi The Wonderful World Tour!

For the uninitiated to Blippi (devised and played by Stevin W. John) he is an American children’s entertainer who began his career on YouTube after John, in 2014, noticed his small nephew watching low quality videos on the platform. He knew he could do much better himself, so he did!
Already familiar with the YouTube format from producing other types of content, he came into himself with his character Blippi, who has been entertaining children with his childlike antics ever since. Gaining a HUGE following in the self published format he went onto being asked to produce his show for the likes of Netflix and now, even his own live tour, that’s how popular Blippi is!
Taking on real world learning and turning it into playful adventures is what Blippi does best, and with his inspiration being old school TV culture like Sesame Street, its easy to see why he’s been such a huge musical success! The songs are very clever and Posie was dancing in and out of her seat immediately!
Posie and I were complete novices, however, despite being totally new to the wonderful world of Blippi, we were drawn right away – I have seen the magic he has generated and how infectious it is first hand! Posie had the most brilliant time watching, dancing and joining in! It captured exactly the sort of imagination she has!

Lots of fun, masses of energy and a live children’s show quite unlike others I’ve seen which I think is perhaps why Blippi is such a great hit! His show doesn’t think about what a child might find fun from a grown up’s point of view, it thinks about how to make children smile, from their very own view point.
Tremendosuly clever, this show is engaging and inviting while you can’t help but smile all the way through, letting Blippi and his infectious energy rub off on you, as he does all in the theatre. Big thumbs up from us for this Blippi musical extravaganza! You can also buy writ bands to go and meet Blippi and Meekah after the show – a real moment for us!

Blippi The Wonderful World Tour is on at the Harold Pinter Theatre in Soho from now until the 7th of September so you’ve all summer long to enjoy his show. Tickets begin at £15 per person and the show lasts 50 minutes.
We were invited to the show as guests of the theatre.