Bloody Mary Lobster Cocktail Recipe!

Bloody Mary Lobster Cocktail Recipe!

This is the quickest, easiest recipe yet offers a little wow factor in that it’s lobster! Saying that, it is not an expensive dish by any stretch and only requires frozen lobster which you can generally pick up for around £7. Mine was from Aldi from their Christmas range and first intended for a seafood platter which never came to fruition so here we are at Valentine’s week making it into a boozy, unctuous lobster cocktail!

Ingredients (to serve 2):

1 frozen lobster, 1 baby gem lettuce, a handful of cherry tomatoes, 2tbsp of ketchup (just Heinz is fine), 2tbsp of Mayonnaise, 1tsp of smoked paprika, a couple of drops of Worcestershire sauce and 25ml of a really great vodka.


Defrost the frozen lobster as per instructions.

Shred the lettuce using a mandolin (thisnis really important, it makes such a difference to the dish), quarter each cherry tomato and mix in a bowl.

Mix the ketchup, Mayonnaise, paprika, Worcestershire sauce and vodka together and add it to the salad.

Cut the lobster in half from head to tail and remove the flesh from the body and tail. If you’re lucky the lobster will have been female and there will be red roe to add to the meat. Chop the meat into chunks. She’ll the claw trying to leave it in tact (if it falls apart it’s easy to piece it back together). Between the two pincers there is a little bone that looks like a fan you have to remove and it may very well break one half off but as mentioned this will sit right back together again when using as a garnish.

Split the salad and lobster mixture between two martini glasses and top with a claw each for garnish.

Et voila!

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