Last week was the absolute dreamer when it comes to snow days off school. FOUR WHOLE DAYS! The kids were beside themselves but not quite as much as I was. You see I know that for some people it’s a bit annoying when school is closed but for me, I just bloody love it and consider it a bonus holiday. I never ever treat school like a free creche for my kids and I think if you don’t do that then it’s never half as annoying as when you factor it in. I mean I know it’s probably a controversial point of view but actually, everyone knows the deal when they have kids so why moan that school is closed and you can’t go to work. I even have known people moan about the amount of holidays they get. Urm… Surely when you decided to have these babes you realised you would have to make some lifestyle choices and take time off work to look after them? And actually… Why wouldn’t you want to?! Sometimes shit happens and you’re gonna have to juggle it – me too folks, me too… Just because I do my work from home doesn’t mean I don’t need to actually, you know, do it… Anyhow, I digress! For us it was bliss having day after day notifications of ANOTHER day to play in the snow and make memories. I am absolutely gutted that it’s gone and would like to request one every year thank you very much! But… I know this is an unlikely affair. When Florence called the Beast from the East (as officially named) the ‘Great Snow of Norfolk’ I told her she wasn’t far wrong. They will remember this time for forever, the week when school was closed for FOUR whole days!
We had a blast, it was nice ‘snowing’ you four whole days of bonus holiday, please come back and make us wrong about it being the one and only time we got four whole days off school!