We were very kindly invited to a summer celebration by Sainsbury’s yesterday and trotted off into town for an afternoon garden party of fun activities! The afternoon was hosted by Nickelodeon presenters Anna Williamson and Jamie Rickers – exciting!
The purpose of the afternoon and all the fun was to highlight that Sainsbury’s have a new book out called the Sainsbury’s Bumper Book Of Summer! Filled with ideas and jam packed with budget busters for entertaining the little ones over the holidays it’s available in store right now! On their website they even have a few of the activity ideas to give you a taste of what’s inside!

The book is written by Josie Curran and as well as hint and tips from the Nickelodeon presenters Anna and Nick, it features activities from Sainsbury’s Active Kids ambassadors David Beckham and Ellie Simmonds! With ideas for things like races in the garden making your own vehicles out of car board boxes and even quick and easy recipes it has something for everyone and will keep little ones amused all summer long. The age it is recommend for is three to twelve but Jimmy at just one had a fabulous time joining in with the activities at yesterday’s party too!
We got to try out some of the fab things from the book!

I’ve had a look at the book and one of the really good things about it is that for each activity it tells you what you will need, often gives different options, gives you an age it is suitable for, time it will take and also a heads up as to what type of weather it is suitable for. I could say to Florence, ‘look through the book and find something you like with a cloudy and rainy picture’. The book is just £5 which is super value especially when you consider that it also comes with a thick scrap book which can be coloured and stuck in by the little ones. Inside the scrap book are over 100 stickers and a wall poster to plan the activities. There is also a DVD which comes with it and this contains visual step-by-step guides. Each activity tells you what to look out for on the DVD. Such a good idea!

Why don’t you share some of your boredom busting summer fun on the Sainsbury’s Facebook page?!
I have not been paid to write this post but I was invited along to the afternoon to find out more about the book.
Awwww the book sounds great and the day looked like lots of fun – wish I’d come now but Madam had been a little under the weather 🙁