Have children? Then you’ll be familiar in the art of blanket fort making I would imagine! What child doesn’t like building dens to play in? Sure you could buy a Wendy House but it’s never as much fun as grabbing all the blankets and cushions to make a really special hideaway all of your very own doing? I remember loving it as a child myself and I can’t help but get excited about helping my own children make one even now! So simple but so much fun!
The Furniture Market are running a competition for the best blanket fort and all you have to do to win is build one, take a picture and share it on social media using the hashtag #BlanketFortComp and tagging @MarketFurniture! Oh and the prize? £100 of Love2Shop vouchers! Pretty enticing eh?!
So, let’s get building! This is our blanket fort!

So that was our blanket fort, and a flipping good fun one it was too, what will you do?
What do you need to build your own? Blankets and lots of them, cushions in great supply, pegs (for easy securing), chairs or something else that you can use as a structure (we use the play pen), a light for the house once it’s built and lots of toys to fill it with!
How do you do it? Well, any way you like really! The more fabulous the better! Could you have more than one storey somehow? Perhaps you could even make a garden? However you do it make it extra specially you and have fun doing it!
In association with The Furniture Market.