Business Trends for 2025: Prioritising Lone Worker Safety The next twelve months promise to be eventful ones for lone workers. It’s estimated that around a fifth of us currently work alone for at least part of the working day. That fraction will likely grow in 2025 as hybrid and remote work continue to change the paradigm of where and when we carry out our work duties. As such, it’s never been more important to prioritise lone worker safety and have […]
Top Features to Consider When Purchasing Charity Running Vests When planning for a charity run, one of the most essential considerations is charity running vests. These vests are a key element for a successful event as they provide both comfort and functionality. If you are thinking of purchasing some, it’s important to have the right information to make an informed decision. Here are the most crucial factors to consider when buying charity running vests today. Fit and Comfort Comfort should […]
A Parents Guide to Nursery Curriculum Models Choosing the right nursery for your child is an important decision, and understanding the various curriculum models can help you make an informed choice. In the UK, nurseries often follow one of several well-established educational philosophies, each with its approach to early childhood learning. Each model offers unique benefits, from the independence-focused Montessori method to the child-led Reggio Emilia approach. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the UK’s most common nursery curriculum […]
More Than A Famous Face! With the rise of social media it has become even more apparent that the most strategic way of advertising has been through celebrity endorsement. It’s always been that way of course, with famous faces chosen to front campaigns for brands on television commercials and magazine ads, but what’s different now is that the celebrities themselves have taken control of what they endorse on their own channels, even making big businesses of their own which they […]
Give Your Skincare A Serious Boost With These Tips You may, like many of us, have a daily skincare routine that ensures that you’re offering the hydration and nourishment it needs to maintain itself, but, over time, this isn’t going to be enough. At some point, you need to invest in a little extra care and perhaps even the occasional professional treatment to make real improvements. Here, we’ll look at how you can do that. Credit – CC0 License Feed […]
A Day of Avocado Meals for the Whole Family Avocados are often considered the creamy, healthy superstar of the produce aisle. Full of heart-healthy fats, fibre, and an array of vitamins, avocados make a great addition to any meal. If you’re looking to boost your family’s nutrition while keeping things fun, why not try incorporating avocados into every meal of the day? From breakfast burritos to avocado pasta for lunch and even avocado brownies for dessert, this versatile fruit can […]
Revive Collagen! If you have been hiding and haven’t heard about the benefits of taking a collagen supplement then please let me take a moment to remind you why it’s really good to add them into your daily ritual. After the age of 30 we stop producing our own natural collagen, which is rather a bummer don’t you think? It doesn’t matter how much water we drink, or what exercise, supplements or any other skin care we armour ourselves with, […]
How a Car Tracker Can Protect Your Car During the Christmas Period The festive period should be a time of joy, glad tidings and goodwill to all men. Unfortunately, it can be a busy time for car thieves. Every year, the news is filled with stories of families having their cars stolen, often with a boot full of gifts and Christmas food and drink. Many are opportunist thefts and we often make it too easy for thieves by leaving goods […]
Be VERY Productive! Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “SAD” grabs us in perhaps ways we don’t even realise we are experiencing it. Darker mornings and shorter days have a natural ability to unbalance our systems so for even those of us who feel we are ok it is likely to have an impact on our lives. We often become less productive during the winter, giving in to lethargy and hibernation, and while a little down time is no bad […]
The Road to Innovation: Navigating Change in a Competitive Market Image Source: Unsplash Many businesses are constantly adapting to keep pace with competitors. Particularly in industries like technology, the ability to innovate is a critical determinant of success. Companies that fail to innovate risk stagnation or obsolescence. Innovation must be paired with a strategic mindset, robust planning, and a willingness to embrace both uncertainty and opportunity. Here’s how businesses can navigate the road to innovation. Why innovation matters At its […]