Coleman Camping Wagon!
We have used wagons over the years for camping but have had limited success. They have always started out as a really good idea but have, in practice, been tricky to manoeuvre and essentially not strong enough for the job. I’ve even tried buying a heavy duty garden wagon thinking even if it didn’t pull terribly well that it might at least deal with the weight of a tent but I have to say, none have. We even had a very expensive one from Robert Dyas, especially for gardening and heavy duty carrying apparently, just break on first use. The handle came away from the weld after extremely limited use and coupled with the fact they’ve always taken up so much room in our car we just haven’t travelled down the wagon road again. But, it’s hard camping without one with all the lifting, especially when at festivals as there’s usually a lot of lugging from tent to pitch. Even when parked close to the pitch it’s hard work to carry all the stuff so I was thrilled to hear that the camping experts I know I can trust, Coleman, have just brought out their very own, the Coleman Camping Wagon!

Its merits include that it can carry 85kg (just under 13 stone) which is way more than any other I’ve had AND it folds up super small in a concertina way. Honestly, it sounded too good to be true and I suspected if it could cope with all of that then the flaw must be that it would become like an unwieldy shopping trolley as soon as it was put into use. But… We will see I thought.
And… I was wrong. This is the trolley, would you believe, that we have been waiting for! It does indeed take a tremendous amount of weight and yet it pulls so well. The steering is excellent and even going down hill the technique it employs is fantastic. You simply lift the extending handle (which retracts back when in storage mode) into the upright position, click it into the clip that holds it, and it wheels down hill smoothly and strongly without compromising on the steering. It even has breaks for when you get to where you’re going but find you may still be on an incline!

I’m pleased to note also that it pulls well over beaches and stones which is fabulous for us as we spend a lot of time at the beach and quite aside from our recent camping trip (where it was invaluable) we have been using it just for day trips too. I even took it to a theme park the other day as it carried our lunch, all the swim gear and towels and everything else a family of six has to truck about. It carried the tent, it carried all the camping essentials but it also just carries everything else too. For beach days I wouldn’t be without it and I’ve lost count of the amount of times people have complimented it or asked where it’s from. And how much it costs!
Take a look at my Instagram reel of us using the Coleman Camping Wagon!
It costs a very reasonable amount as it goes and though I’ve seen differing prices in different retailers it’s always around the same mark, on Amazon it costs £109.99 and I’d say it’s worth every penny! The other major plus to this one, aside from the fact it does everything you need it to do when in use, is that it folds up super small in that concertina way. Pull it from the middle up, wrap the Velcro straps around it, and pop the cover on before securing that to the frame with Velcro tabs too and placing the base, which folds up, into its pocket. Then you can carry it with the carry handle to the car, or garage to be ready to be used next. The space it takes up in the boot is so minimal it’s a no brainer that I’ve been taking this out daily with me and will continue to do so long after camping season is over!

I have to say that for me it’s been brilliant for not only ferrying our stuff but for popping the kids in too. I know you’re not supposed to do this but it’s been so easy to let them hop in and they’ve been absolutely loving the ride, a place to eat lunch, somewhere to sleep and more. They love it as much as I do!

This is one of the best camping products we have ever had, it’s no surprise that it’s made by Coleman, they just don’t let you down!