Give me a girlie girl and I’ll give you a girl who likes Bratz dolls! There’s not much to dislike really, funky clothes and foot wear to change, pretty faces, hair to brush and accessories galore! Add into the mix a shop with a ringing cash register and little girls will be in raptures! And that’s exactly what my little girl is in right now because she’s been testing out a new Bratz Boutique toy of which there are four to choose from. Yasmin, Sasha, Jade and Cloe are back and this time they have a passion for fashion with their own shops! Florence has been playing with the Cloe Boutique which is called ‘Angel Cloe & Co’ and she is thrilled to bits with it because, well, it has dozens of little bits which is just up her street at the moment!

Unfortunately when I opened it for her, in my haste (I love dolls too you see), I ripped the box open not realising the box can be used as a back drop for the boutique (worth noting) so I should have taken care really! Luckily Florence hasn’t noticed and has been using her imagination for the shop anyway. She knew immediately what to do and set the shop up in her bedroom before starting to play some small world games. She set out the accessories: sun glasses, three pairs of earrings, a hand bag, bracelet, mannequin with an extra outfit, necklace and extra boots and then with Florence as the shopkeeper she used the Cloe doll to be her customer. Of course the shop also has a desk with a cash register, scanner, shopping bag and a box which little items can be stored in. Florence would have been pleased with just this but the desk has buttons you can press which make realistic shop noises for her to use when using the cash register and scanner – this is something which totally delights three-year olds who just love to play shop!
Florence absolutely loved ringing everything through the cash register and bagging it up for the Bratz Cloe doll who is cute with the trademark Bratz big eyes! When I asked her what she likes most about the dolly she said she likes brushing her long hair! (Yet another accessory she comes with is a star-shaped hair brush.) She’s also a fan of clothing changes for her dolls so it’s great that this one comes with an extra outfit and footwear which can be changed. I thought Florence, being at the youngest age range the doll is suitable for (well almost), could quite easily struggle with putting the clothes and boots on and off the doll but in actual fact a couple of things make it incredibly easy for her. Firstly, unlike a lot of dolls of the same size, her arms are quite bendy and supple meaning Florence has a lot to work with and isn’t hindered by rigid plastic. Secondly there are no troublesome feet to put into boots and manoeuvre into the toes; the Bratz Cloe dolly has little balls on the end of her ankles which then click into holes in the shoes. While it might look a little odd when she’s not wearing her boots, it does mean there’s no hassle for a little one to click them on and off – it certainly makes it a far more suitable doll for Florence!
Might look a trifle odd without footwear but this is a very clever idea for little hands!
The accessories are another massive hit with Florence and as well as brushing her hair with the brush I think the removal and attaching of earrings and the sun glasses is proving lots of fun. Girls just love this sort of thing don’t they! I even remember loving it myself! All in all I’m very impressed with this toy. Like I said, she comes with everything you need to make a shop game and with the extra outfits she proves hours of fun! This will make a FANTASTIC Christmas present because not only is she easy to get out of the box (no sharp objects required) but she comes complete with batteries so there’ll be no tears on the day – just remember not to rip that box open!
We’re loving the hair, accessories and playing shop!
Bratz Dolls can be bought in many on-line and high street retailers.