Dearest Posie – You Are Four Months Old!

Dearest Posie,
Our little sweetheart and wonderfully smilie baby girl you are four months old. FOUR! You’re super duper and just moving at the speed of light. Rolling over and trying to bring your knees up to get off as well as straining to sit up and nearly managing it even from lying down. You’re pretty amazing like that actually and just like your big sister in your desire to achieve the next goal as well as looks. I have a little time machine I think sometimes as it’s like going back in time to her being your age and seeing her holding you is incredible at times. Yiu are the best if friends and I’ve no doubt this sisterly bond will be so strong always despite the age difference. Your brothers love you so much too and the adoration is on their faces always when you are around. You beam right back at them even when Raffie cuddles you SO hard saying “I WUV her” (or “him” often times as he gets confused) really loudly!
You’re teething hard and dribbly as well as chewing everything and you sleep super well at night as long as you are under my wing. Day time naps are not your thing however and you can’t stand being in the buggy or the car which makes for interesting journeys especially on the school run. You do, however, take most things in your stride and happily enjoy all we do like story time, Gymboree and seeing your baby massage baby buddies!
Posie Pamela Honeybee you are simply glorious at 4 months old and we love you so much we could burst!