Nine months inside and nine months out! Seems incredible as the 9 months in went SO slowly but the first 9 months out have whizzed by in a nano. You are the most happy baby, even when poorly and you have been poorly this month at times. A hospital over night when we were worried as couldn’t get a temp down from 39.9 showed thankfully not a bacterial infection but later on it did turn to chest and we had to give antibiotics for the first time which was hard work with one so fiesty and anti taking them. But we got there in the end.
9 months in!9 months out!
Standing on your own, pushing up from squatting down and you are way ahead I think. I part want you to slow down as you are just a baby and part cheer you on because you are so fabulous and so pleased with yourself! A first tooth also came this month on the 25th of October and you smiled your way through that too. Super baby! We are even more in love with you, how that’s possible when we were all the in loves with you last month, I don’t know but it is!
Balloon fun!At home!Party ready!Playing at a friend’s!Posie and her boys celebrating the first member of the gang turning one!Celebrating Raffie’s birthday with friends at Roarr! The birthday Roarr gang! A rare moment of happy in the car seat, which was on the buggy no less. It didn’t last long as both these things are not favourites! With Raffie’s new panda which is as big as her!Fun at Pensthorpe with pals!Soft play!Twinning with the balloons!And the Nodpod blanket!Picnic at Pensthorpe!Cold but lovely!This is our Thursday thing with Gram too sometimes!A walk round the lake!Learning at Gymbo!You had a temperature which wouldn’t go down so we went to A&E.They were very concerned so monitored you and took your blood to check for infections.You’d had diarrhoea for a week and such a sore bottom they thought perhaps the soreness had got infected and turned into a bacterial infection causing the high temperature of 39.9.Really under the weather the bloods came back showing just a virus. The diarrhoea caused the sore bottom and the temperature was part of the virus, not because of it thankfully.We were admitted.Observed.And you felt much better by morning. Still under the weather but not with an uncontrollable temperature thank goodness. You smiled throughout and amazed me as always!You tasted a white chocolate button – well you did deserve it! Look at those poorly, sad eyes!And we realised we had to buy darker tights for your constant on the move knees!Still under the weather but still smiling!Out walking!Which is what is on the Posie agenda. You are still a bit wobbly but that’s OK, we won’t cry over spilled milk as you don’t drink it from a bottle anyway!Gymboree!Which is so much fun!First time in a supermarket trolley!A new fave, eggs bread!We went back to the Doctor as your cough got worse, the boys have it too so of course it was PCR central in this house. Posie was COVID tested in hospital but the boys weren’t so had a normal one. Thankfully all negative but this virus has turned into a chest infection so it’s antibiotics for our little lady. Mummy on high alert with panic as usual and Posie smiling through it as usual too!Writing, pumping, feeding and cuddling!With Daddy! At Worxham Barns for Halloween!The quad squad doing squash goals!On the rides!Pumpkin!The whole shebang at Wroxham Barns! Still under the weather and very happy to see Mummy after she popped, seriously just popped, to a wedding reception!Feeling a bit brighter after some antibiotics!A family selfie at the Milk Train Cafe in Covent Garden!Stickman at the theatre!A first theatre experience!And pizza Express for lunch!A first tiny tooth top poked out on the 25th of October, not that you can see it here but it’s there!With Daddy!Halloween dress up!Hand me down snow suits!A feeding walk!Big brothers are the best!All the smiles!Soft play fun!Us!Brothers and sisters and Mummy!Walking with big sister!A day in London with me and Raffie!Took us to the Tumbling Bay Playground! Where we had lots of fun! Even with a big brother at the helm! Then onto the Docklands Museum for their Mudlarks play area!Sensory play!Before meeting Alesha Dixon at the George at Asda launch for her new clothing range!It was a great party! Then we went to Hackney City Farm on the way home! Before eating all the sugar on the train! We tried out for an agency to see if we can get some acting work! Had a Halloween party! More costumes!With pals!And some of the siblings!Borrowed our friend’s giant pumpkin to sit in! Yet more outfits! But this one is now a family heirloom! With Mummy at another event! 9 months old!03/11/2021!