Fairground Frights At Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach!

From the 26th of October to the 30th Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach will once again be transformed from its usual family friendly tourist attraction of rides, smiles and ice creams to the fright night shennanigans which have put it very firmly on the map for Halloween half term in Norfolk. Five whole nights of ghoulish fun and frolics with the back drop of the fun fair and a whole host of scares.
We’ve been to Fairground Frights for the last few years and it’s always been an absolutely terrific night out for the older ones where actors have added to the spooky ambience in a way which makes us laugh as much as we scream and jump out of our skin making us fit in rather nicely with the characters as we shiver like a bag of bones in the wake of the mad axe man, terrible twins and ghastly ghosts and clowns.
It’s a really fun night out to remember which invites guests to dress up and get involved – Florence actually won the fancy dress one year so good was her slit throat make-up and deathly stares which saw lots of people think she was part of the cast much to her delight.
Great Yarmouth Pleasure beach is a pay to enter attraction and tickets will cost just £19.50 per person (if you book online, £21 if you pay on the door) for unlimited rides during the evening which will run from 5-8.30pm. Loads of fun, masses of dancing to the wonderful DJ who usually sits above the haunted house and bright lights aplenty to bring loads of joy to the over 10s. I’ve seen people take younger ones in the past but I honestly wouldn’t recommend it as it is quite scary if you’re little and for us it gives us a chance to be with the bigger members of our gang and have a really great time devoted to their needs!
We love Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach all year round but honestly, this is the pinnacle of the year as far as we are concerned, they’ve pinned it just right and it’s a much looked forward to point on the calendar. Don’t miss out on this year’s fun and get booking because it will be spookily popular!

Edit: We had a BRILLIANT time when we visited on opening night as guests of Pleasure Beach. I just had to share this year’s pics and Instagram reel: