Fashion World jump suit goals are winning for me at the moment! Have you used the online shopping platform? I hadn’t until just now but I’m SO pleased with what I ordered I know I’m going to be back for more! I love fashion but for me, at the moment, with 3 small kidorinos, it’s not always the easiest of tasks to top up my wardrobe.
If I go into town with just the baby while the big kids are at school I find I end up sat down breast feeding in coffee shops half the time and I’d be far more productive if I just stayed at home, while if I decide to go in on the weekend with the trio in tow I know from the get go that whole expedition is doomed and I’m likely to give all in and end up taking them to McDonald’s before coming home empty handed. So what with a lack of time and/or willing coupled with the fact I am 6 months post partum and NOT looking how I like to, clothes shopping is neither easy nor happy making.
On-line shopping CLEARLY makes things a whole heap better with no freaking awfully lit mirrors in tiny cubicles that don’t fit my (substantial) bottom let alone a buggy and no need to actually, you know, get off the sofa when you’ve been up all night with a teething baby! But… Not all on-line retailers make it as easy as it might first appear! Delivery costs to begin with before potentially sending things back – which can be a hassel! Then what about knowing what;s going to arrive will actually look like the picture? Oh and also… Things are often not guaranteed size wise… What do you go for when each brand seems to have their own idea of what shape and size my boobs will be when I’m a size 12 – they probably don’t all account for them being so blown up with milk that I could keep a cruise liner afloat! And that brings me on to the breast feeding aspect. I can obviously only wear something if my boobs are easily accessed by the tiny one – it’s lovely to wear high necks and back zippered dresses but a tad embarrassing on the tube having to ask a perfect stranger to help you out of your clothes. See… All muddled together I have a task on my hands when it comes to clobber shopping!
All in all on-line is best! IF you can get the niggles sorted out. IF you can have a company to rely on for style, quality and ease (from the ordering to the returning if necessary) then you’re on to a winner. Oh… And I’ve found a REALLY good one in case you hadn’t realised that’s where I was taking this… Fashion World offers FREE delivery over £40 (CHECK), credit if needed (hell yeah, CHECK – who wants to wait for pay day?!,) they offer about a gazillion different methods of return if needed (CHECK) and to top things off the clothes I ordered are GORGEOUS! Top, tippest quality and EXACTLY as advertised!

I got a jump suit (very du jour) and because of the boob hostage situation (my baby takes me into one sometimes hourly) it has a zip at the front from top to crotch – LOVE it! I sometimes find with jump suits that they can be a little crotch friendly (now that we’re on that subject I thought I’d bring it up) and no one likes a camel or his toe, but this one fits like a dream! Also makes me look slimmer than I am which is a BONUS! (rather goes with my buggy too don’t you think? It’s the brand new Stokke Xplory V6 in case you were wondering and I wrote ALL about it here!)To go with it I ordered some gold Gola trainers! Last time I had Gola trainers I was 12 and they were red. I loved them. My peers at school… Not so much! I was teased mercilessly for wearing them which might have broken a kid less argumentative than me but if anything it spurred me on to wear them more – I FLEW in the face of someone telling me I was wrong by wearing something they didn’t like and I thought of those days when I ordered these beauts. I’d do exactly the same now if they wanted to give me a hard time for my trainer choice all these years on, only… We all know they wouldn’t because even if they had the balls today (I’m so RAAA, they totally wouldn’t dare) we can all quite clearly see THESE are fabulous and they’d just be wishing they had kicks as good as mine! HUZZAH and take that!

All in and Fashion World you’ve been a beaut! The sun has even come out to grace my new summer outfit choice and I’m getting all my gold accessories out to team up with those FABULOUS trainers! Gonna be back for more, more, more I am!
Happy shopping folks!
In association with Fashion World.