Find Your Inner Geek!
It doesn’t matter how cool you are, we all of us definitely have an inner geek somewhere along the line and whether that’s something we show the world all the time, or a part of us we keep hidden until a special moment, then buying a geek t shirt is going to be for everyone!

There are many programmes with cult-like status now, take Sar wars for example, which is both COOL and GEEKY, and if that’s your bag then there’s definitely a t.shirt (or a thousand) for you to choose from. Who doesn’t want a star wars tshirt eh?!

But there are nerdy clothes for all encounters would you believe, so whatever it is that you’re into, whichever genre floats your geeky boat, you’re gonna find a t.shirt to suit you! A friend of mine ha=osts “geekends” a few times a year where she and her mates get together to celebrate all the things they are nerdy about together, collectively or on their own!

And a “geekend” party would be just the ticket for a geek shirt – we all don’t have to be the same, we can all love different things and geek out on separate things but the bringing together of a collective geek-ness is a brilliant way to celebrate everyone and their geeky brilliance!

Like I said, nerd t shirts are the thing and we’ve moved so dramatically from being a world where the nerds were herded to a pen of their own to being able to be proud and loud nerds that there has never been a better time to embrace it!