My First Play: A Mid Summer Night’s Nap!
I really love the ‘My First’ theatre company with The Garage, Norwich. They offer such inviting, immersive and colourful theatre for tiny tots and we always try to go and see them when we can. The panto is always a highlight but on a day like today with temperatures in the 30s, it feels like a long time ago that we stood chilly in the foyer afterwards looking at the listings for summer and realised they were going to do a ‘My First: Shakespeare’!
My First Play: A Mid Summer Night’s Nap, Ambitious? Well yes I should say so! But they pulled it off because this is just the sweetest little theatre company you could imagine. Now I’d have to be honest and say, from my point of view, the story line was pretty hard to follow. Florence said she didn’t really know what had gone on either and that’s why it might have been a little TOO ambitious however it was still REALLY enjoyable and I don’t think any the worse for us not being able to follow. This could all just be because we were hot and bothered and maybe just had our dim hats on.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed sitting on cushions with the baby rambling around the place (no set seating here) and chalking on the blackboard flowers on the floor during the performance. There were plenty of opportunities to join in which pleased Florence and the sensory element was lovely for Raffie. Lots to see and listen to with songs and music he could bop to. And Jimmy sat attentively listening and watching the whole time. In face he probably got every last second of it so don’t listen to me!

Another fantastic first intro to theatre with four very talented performers who cope super well with the informal and relaxed set up of the show. t’s great for the audience that the kids can roam about but must be a nightmare as a performer trying to sing and play the guitar – not that you’d think that from any of their faces!

Brilliant work again My First!
If you’d like to catch them before the end of the run in Norwich (and you should) then they will be on until the 4th of August with shows at 10.15, 1.15 and 3.15 daily. Book through The Garage where tickets are £12.50 for adults, £7.50 for children and babies under one are free – call the box office on 01603 598646.
We were invited to review the show as guests of the theatre.