Five Fun Ways to Refresh Your Garden Patch For the UK Summer

Five Fun Ways to Refresh Your Garden Patch For the UK Summer

Summer is coming. Most people are looking forward to basking in the sun and having a tan while others are just looking forward to a fun time they can spend with their family and loved ones. Either way, if you’ve not thought of your garden as the perfect spot for both or any of these activities, then you are looking too far.

The truth is that you might find it difficult to truly relax in a space that is overgrown with bushes and wilting flowers. When this happens, you need to refresh your garden.

In this article, you will get to know 5 easy and within-a-budget ways to refresh your garden for the summer.


Jump straight into clearing out any fallen leaves or brambles from your lawn. If your outdoor space is filled with debris, you can either hire a professional garden waste removal service or get it done yourself so that your garden can stay fresh all summer long.

Once your garden is clear of any mess, you can give your lawn a decent or should – we say summer – clean. This can be something as simple as planting delicate heirloom roses or magenta coleus. You’re free to design your outdoor paradise.

And don’t forget about your garden hedge! Research shows that cutting your overgrown front hedges can protect your home against burglaries. So this gardening task is a win-win for your indoor and outdoor spaces.

You can even grow your own delicious fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes or peppers. Summer is the perfect time to exercise yourself and your fingers as well, as long as you make sure your patch is exposed to a generous amount of direct sunlight.

Give your patio a makeover

If you have a patio already, a simple way to make your garden feel fresh is by giving it a makeover. Jet-wash your patio, and clear out your gutters if they are bogged down with leaves. Even something as simple as grabbing a broom and dusting your patio can do wonders.

If you want your patio as good as new, using stencils and outdoor paints is a simple way to add a design, or if you have a composite decking board, you can clean your deck with a soft bristle brush. These are very budget-friendly.

Meanwhile, waterproof rugs are another way to add a pop of colour and cover any annoying cracks in your patio. If you don’t have a patio area yet, you can easily add furniture to grassy areas or create a cosy shaded space in the corner of your garden.

Create sitting areas for socialising

It is very important for you to have a comfortable place where you can sit and relax with friends and family during the summer. There are many fabulous garden furniture options for every budget. You can choose from large corner sofas with comfortable cushions, to classic rattan chairs that suit every garden style, you can create the perfect space to soak up the sunshine.

Before you buy, think about what material best suits you. If you want something easy and durable, opt for synthetic rattan or aluminium furniture, as these are weatherproof and simple to clean. If you don’t mind a bit of work, wooden furniture always looks smart, but you will need to treat it regularly.

Sometimes, just having a comfortable bench is perfect for enjoying the summer sun.

Who doesn’t love having the whole gang around? Having good and sturdy chairs and tables will help you host your closest friends or family in your garden. Then you’ll be ready to throw the best party of all season.

Refresh your fence

Don’t forget about your fence! If your garden reflects your unique sense of style, the fence that surrounds you should be freshly painted or washed. And it’s an easy and inexpensive way to make your garden a little brighter during the summer.

You can start by cleaning it with either a sponge or a pressure washer. If you have a wooden fence, you might want to sand it before adding a lick of paint. But if it’s metal, you can wipe away any rust and leave it looking shiny and new.

It’s no secret that spending time in nature is good for your mental and physical health. By having a refreshing outdoor space, you can relax in the sunshine and even do some light exercise while tending to your blooming flowers.

Decorate your space

Gone are the days of having just a perfectly mowed lawn and nothing else. People are now more expressive with everything they do, even gardening. Decorating your garden can be your own way of exploring and expressing the creativity and uniqueness of your style. It can also be a fun experience for you.

You can choose to install hooks to your outdoor wall and buy a few beautiful hanging baskets filled with vibrant flowers – many garden centres even have plants already planted in decorative pots so you can easily move them around the garden. Better still, why not dig up a small area of your garden and sprinkle it with wildflower seeds; you’ll be sure to see lovely bee-friendly flowers popping out by the beginning of summer.

You can also buy a weatherproof mirror to elevate your garden if it is small, this can give it a contemporary touch. Play around with textures by adding a few smaller cushions to your outdoor sofa, plus a small table or two for guests to put down their drinks. Lighting is the perfect way to add ambience – invest in festoon lights along the fence, or look for solar lights that you can put around your whole garden.


Everyone looks forward to spending long afternoons enjoying the summer sunshine. There are many easy and simple ways to give your garden a makeover before the summer truly begins, whether that be updating your fence to something more modern and durable, adorning your garden borders with potted plants, or buying new garden furniture and decorating it with colourful cushions.

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