Half term was just last week but already it feels like weeks ago… Why is it that when you’re having fun the time flies on by and when you’re bored it seems to take an age?! Not fair huh! As per usual I had my lot here, there and everywhere for the holiday and we had heaps of fun, I just wish I could have them out of school like that more often because a week simply isn’t enough!
They were back to school Monday and it’s been busy, busy ever since then so this is the first opportunity I’ve had to write about our week which saw us visit Newmarket’s National Stud, catch up with loads of friends in London and spend a good deal of time in the swimming pool! What else?!
Here’s some of my fave pics from last week which I am loving looking at as this week is mega different. Florence has gone away on her first ever residential with school for TWO nights so I’m missing her like crazy and wishing we had lots of fun planned together instead!