When I was about 9 years old I was thoroughly fascinated with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was so like Florence and very definitely NOT into boyish things but somehow, where ‘He Man’ and ‘Thunder Cats’ were very definitely in that category, the Turtles weren’t… I’m not sure what made them appeal to me when on paper they should have been for ‘boys’ but they made that cross over and I’ve remembered ever since. I even used to make them out of Fimo after watching them do something similar on Blue Peter… I loved them!
They were MASSIVE back in the day and literally on everything! Pizza was the dish all the kids wanted because that’s what the Turtles ate and we all used to play at being Turtles in the playground. Years later, one of my besties Emily and I, when we were busy being grown up teenagers and dating fooballers from the Norwich City team (oh how glamorous we thought that was at the time) we even used to call one of them (although I can’t remember who) Splinter because he looked just like the rat boss from the show. I remember some very funny evenings out where all we had to say to each other was ‘Yes Master’ and it had us on the floor laughing… I don’t think we were particularly keen on this poor rattish football boy…
Anyway, I digress, the point is they went out of fashion somewhere along the line. Not sure why but these things do don’t they but then when something is really good, like say 60’s minis or 70’s flares, they always come back around again and that’s exactly what’s happened this year! Turtle Power is well and truly BACK en vogue and my children definitely don’t want to be left out of it! Ever since the film came out it’s been somehow in their knowledge back and without even seeing it (probably a little bit old for them right now) they still know who the Turtles are!
The great thing is that even thought they are aimed at slightly older children, someone somewhere has recognised that little ones are just as intrigued and a rage of toys has been developed especially for the age 2-5 bracket. The Half Shell Heroes are smaller and a little easier to hold with just perhaps a slightly cuter look on their faces. They, as so many great toys are, are made by Flair and for Christmas, if you head on over to Evolution Comps you can join in with their #HalfShellHeroes advent calendar to win some fab prizes! There’s a fab new prize to be given out every day and much more to see over on www.ukmums.tv.

The Half Shell Heroes sent a very sweet present to Florence and Jimmy along with some Christmas cards. If mine weren’t fans before then they definitely are now and I also have a turtle in my coat pocket as Jimmy is very reluctant to go out without him!

Thanks for the Christmas presents Half Shell Heroes!
My nephews love the Turtles , thankfully Santa will be delivering a few treats.