It wasn’t the half term any of us thought it would be back in March when we first went into lockdown – I’m pretty sure we ALL thought the pandemic would be over by now and being back to normal might be a possibility. Sadly that’s not been the case but at least here in Norfolk our numbers have been lower than lots of parts of the country and we have been afforded a tier one category meaning we can still go out and mix in groups of six. We feel lucky that this half term holiday we still got to see our pals from time to time and do some special day trips as well as our alternative to trick or treating with my Halloween themed murder mystery night. We also had the cousins over for a Halloween tea party and games so we feel very lucky indeed!
Wroxham Barns, Gressenhall, Sea Life Hunstanton, Algys Farm, Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth, Roarr and lots more fun on days out as well as pumpkin carving and dressing up. It hasn’t been so bad for us we know. It has been different but we have had so much fun and now we are on the second half of the first term already – how can that be and you know me… Love the holidays and all that so roll on Christmas please and PLEASE let it be so that we can have more than 6 (or at least not include the children) for that holiday. Here’s hoping!
We kicked off half term with a trip to Wroxham Barns for their pumpkin festival!Carving in a socially distanced tent where masks are required for adults!Friday I took the kiddos to Gressenhall while Jonny did some work and look who we bumped into! Only my oldest best friend – what are the chances?!Obstacle course fun!And forest fun too!Me and my gal!Saturday was a day at the Aquarium!Where “some people” ruin photographs by wearing masks (it was outside) and others do by being uncooperative! They all came good on not so sunny Hunny beach afterwards though so all was forgiven!Bumped into so many people we knew at Algy’s Farm including Jonny’s sister – no wonder there were barely any pumpkins left, everyone and his wife have been!Didn’t stop this lot having a great time though! Fun in the mud is a must!And who needs a wheelbarrow full of orange pumpkins when you could have one brilliant pumpkin and a load of little munchkin ones!Actually, make that two!We wwere supposed to be in York but had to cancel for COVID restriction reasons so we went out for dinner Monday evening at Zaks in a bid to pretend we are on holiday! With no plans Tuesday either, as we were still meant to be in York, it was a lzy day at home broken only by the delight of a boys bike ride which as you can see, Raffie enjoyed very much and Jonny didn’t pay attention to the muddy puddles!I stayed at home and made Halloween biscuits for our little party on Friday where we will have cousins only so as not to tip the numbers scale!The boys got new matching onesies!While Florence dressed up as The Corpse Bride!I think she looked rather good!Mummy face painting all the way! Who needs a pro for this, it’s easy!Fairground Frights at Great Yarmouth’s Pleasure Beach was ridiculously fun!Followed by a late night Macca D’s on the way home!Thursday was a great family day out at Roarr (whatever the weather eh?!)!It involved another outfit – of course!And a load of dinosaur fun!We had a Halloween party on Friday for cousins, just a small one but lovely all the same! The kids were a Princes with a slit throat, a zombified army man and a little spider!Florence spent a lot of time on Jimmy’s make-up, didn’t she do a great job!She didn’t spend much time on her own make up as a result but still was the Belle of the ball!And my poppet spider – isn’t he gorgeous!We had games and trick or treat hunting and food!More games!More food! It was lovely and all finished off with sparklers and smores – A fun time was well and truly had by us all!Saturday night was all about my Halloween Murder Mystery which actually went very well – far better than the pictures I took which were shocking!
And then on Sunday we literally did nothing at all. Took Gram home after she’d stayed the night and went to the supermarket for a little pre lockdown panic buying (sigh) and then back to school Monday is here as if the holiday never was. Raffie started nursery today and I’ve just dropped him off after he didn’t get the memo about the first day front door pic, and despite his face he waved me off without a second glance. Just a “Bye Mummy”!
We HAVE to work on these first day of school front door photos Raffie!Especially as your face betrays how happy you were to wave me off immediately without a second glance!And off it is he goes!