Hey Doodle!
Have you heard of Hey Doodle? It’s probably the easiest, least messy way of colouring with little ones that you could imagine. A reusable silicon mat is rolled into a cardboard tube along with three felt tips for little ones to enjoy again, and again, and again!

Posie has been sent the Into The Wild kit which is just one of 5, A4 size mats filled to the very edged with animal drawings waiting to be coloured in. The A4 mats are £14.99 and come with three different colours but you can also buy an A3 size mat with even more animals to enjoy decorating. The bigger mats come with 9 different colours and you can also buy a set of 12 markers to extend your colour collection which is excellent as the only thing we noted in negative judgement for the set was that three colours isn’t enough really. The sets are, however, only £14.99 and it’s well worth buying that extra set of 12 colours for £9.99 more.
What’s not to love if you love to colour and decorate? Posie is obsessed with mark making and learning to read and write too which is another hand element for the pictures all have the animal names next to them with the first letter they begin with dotted out in capital to be traced over. Love that and so does Posie who totally thinks she’s learning to write (and she is)!
Sometimes with things like this they don’t really work as well as the promise, I understand that and it’s very frustrating but with this set it’s not an issue you have to worry about. When you’ve finished you simply wipe it clean with a damp cloth, roll it up and pop it back into the sturdy tube with the pens for next time. Of which there can be many!
