I love bags and coats. I can’t help it, I just do and my collections are rather extensive for both… The thing is, when you have children the choices you make for your bags become a little different for the day to day. I still have my silly little clutches and pouches that hold no more than my tube pass but I don’t really have the need to use them often any more. These days I instead have to have something rather more substantial. Something which will carry nappies, snacks, clothing changes, creams, drinks AND all the regular stuff.
I am talking about the Mummy staple of a changing bag of course and having rather a lot of those too I’d say I’m a bit of an expert. I have bags which match buggies, bags which are very mumsy, bags which are very cutesy and babyfied and also, I have my favourite, bags which for all intents and purposes LOOK like they’re not a changing bag at all and LOOK like they are just a fashion choice. Big, of course but they look good as well as performing the functions of a changing bag inside.
My new Verity bag from iCandy is just one of those types of bags and I love it. I couldn’t ask for anything more. It is stylish and classic in design with a bang on trend patent finish. Inside there’s ample room for everything I need to take out with me as well as a changing mat, bottle bag and removable shoulder strap. It comes in three colours, Royal, Burgundy and Black.
The bag costs £150 which does put it very firmly in the high end camp however, it matches in quality and I’m really very pleased with mine. There’s no need to lose your sense of style when you become a Mummy!

Wow! Gorgeous bag. Most envious!
Thank you! It IS lovely isn’t it! 🙂
How great do you look? Love the cape and the bag, great styling lady. And thanks for linking #streetstylesunday xxx