Last week the children and I were invited to a very special and very magical party. We had the most fairy-tastic time and are STILL talking about it!
We got to know all about REAL fairies and we were even asked if we would like a fairy to come and LIVE with us in our house! Florence and Jimmy were simply enthralled and of course… They absolutely said yes please to the prospect of a fairy house mate!
In Ireland the Irish Fairy Door are a very famous company but here in the UK they might not be so well known… Yet! They absolutely will be soon I am sure because what they bring to the market is something completely different, wonderfully simple and superbly magical.
So, who are they and what IS it that they do? Well, The Irish Fairy Door sell, as their name suggests, fairy doors. You buy a door which comes with a key, some accessories and backdrop wall stickers if you like, before putting the door on the wall in your child’s bedroom. The door comes with a teeny tiny key and you leave this out to see if a fairy comes to take it. If the key goes then it means a fairy has indeed moved in with you. You won’t see him or her as they don’t like to be seen by people but the fairy WILL be your friend and you can even give him or her a name. You can then register your fairy on their website and receive updates from the Fairy Queen and the Fairy Council as well as finding out lots more fairy news and joining in with the fairy community.
Having a fairy come and live with you can be as intensive or as laid back as you like I suppose, I mean I guess it does depend on the personality of your fairy, but if you like a bit of high jink and minxy behaviour then I’m sure when your fairy is sent by Queen Kate she will make sure you get one which suits your family! It’s a bit like having Christmas Elves come and stay for December only they will stay all the time, after all, they have their very own door…
The tiny fairy doors are wooden and absolutely beautiful. Florence and Jimmy fell in love with the concept and I simply LOVE that kind of REAL magic! They were introduced to them at the party by two of Queen Kate’s human fairies (who were some of the most enthusiastic entertainers we have ever met) and frankly, they didn’t want to leave!

It really is a simple concept, but the way it engaged all the children immediately confirms that the best ideas are. Two best friends sat at their kitchen table and came up with the idea (they had to approach the Fairy Council I assume) and then their husbands helped out their creativity with a bit of business know how… Just months later they have this brilliant business!
As I mentioned, in Ireland they’re pretty famous already but have only just started to bring fairies to England… It won’t be long before we’re over run with them I should think. I mean, every house should have a fairy right?!
We took two fairy doors home with us and I have promised the children that as soon as we move house we will put them up in their new bedrooms. They are very excited. They knew they were going to get a kitten when we moved and now they’re getting fairies too – what could be better?! As soon as we put them up, some time in the summer holidays I would think, I will let you know when the fairies move in! We have sticker back drops to apply too but I may just try and paint a back ground of our very own… Well, we shall see!
The Irish Fairy Door would make the most wonderful present and you can choose from all sorts of colours and designs. We love it!

We went to the launch of the Irish Fairy Door in London.