Jimmy Is 7!
7 years ago I had the perfect home birth – well, perfect aside from a back to back baby with his fist up like a little superhero, THAT element wasn’t fun – and my little Jimmy Buster Bumblebee was born. IN the living room with me stood up to let gravity help and Jonny caught him just before he dropped him (it’s why we always joke that Jimmy’s a little cray) and the whole room shouted at me ‘DON’T SIT DOWN’!

That was an amazing moment with Florence downstairs, not in our house because we lived in a converted Victorian terrace back then, but in the living room of my downstairs neighbour who had offered us her flat for this occasion so that she could be near me but not too close. My cousin, the children’s Auntie Helen, was looking after her and a few minutes after he was born, at 9.17am, Auntie Helen and Florence came to meet this little superhero brother, stepping over the placenta still on the floor.

7, yes SEVEN, years on and they are mostly the best of friends, now with another baby brother to love and be a part of their gang. I am blessed with my three beautiful babies and Jimmy, the one I worried about most when Raffie was born taking his place as the baby of the family, is still just my baby boy no matter how old he gets. Seven is pretty old. Seven is also pretty young. Jimmy is seven and though this fact seems almost unbelievable because it was really only about seven minutes ago, here we have found ourselves celebrating him turning 7 at 09.17am on the 2nd of May 2019!

He had a fabulous birthday filled with food and fun and presents. A special breakfast followed by school (which none of us were terribly happy about) and then home to a party tea where his teacher of nearly three years, who has just left for another job, came to see him and wish him a happy birthday. And I think that made the day really. Jimmy has been so missing her. My Jimmy who is brave and strong, and independent and lovely, kind and angry when he gets something wrong! My Jimmy who loves to craft with a dinner knife and a cardboard box, who still pronounces the word human as fuman (but it’s getting less – sob), who loves Minecraft, his iPad, is a brilliant big brother and a wonderful little brother too! My Jimmy who still wants to sleep in bed with me and who tells me I am the true love of his heart!
Oh my Jimmy… He’s SEVEN!
We also had a surprise weekend away at Haven in Caister followed by a Lazer party at Quasar in Norwich. He loved every second!