I’m not very good at making cakes and once even made one which was hard and black in the middle. No, I din’t put it in the microwave before you ask, I just put it in the oven at the temperature advised and out it came closer to a lethal weapon than a food substance. Jonny obviously nibbled his way round the blackened middle part but then he is the man who ate my disgusting onion rolls (another poor cooking experience) and not only that but he combined them with chocolate spread – I don’t see that he can be an authority on edibility!
So, I can’t cook cakes but I do like to eat them and Florence is really rather keen too. She also rather likes cakes with characters on them and we can’t go past the cake aisle in the supermarket without her asking ‘Can we buy a Peppa Pig cake Mummy?, or ‘Look at that Spider man cake, can we have that one?’ I always reply with ‘When it’s your birthday’ and am always met with a big sigh…
So, with our cake loving ways, imagine my and Florence’s delight at being asked if we would like to review a party cake! We could choose a character and then it would be hand made and delivered to us by Cakes By Robin who specialises in bespoke designs for pretty much any kind of cake you can think of! We said ‘YES please’ and then fully expected a tiny little cup cake to be delivered but… What we were sent, when we said we would like ‘Hello Kitty’ on the cake was this!

When I saw a picture of the cake which was made especially for us and knew that it was winging our way to us over night, I knew that I simply had to do something special with it! We couldn’t just eat, write and run! A cake THIS special looking deserved a party so we disregarded the fact it was nobodies birthday and made plans for a picnic sunny day party!
Yesterday morning the cake was delivered in a sturdy box and simply nothing was out of place! It was perfect and all ready for the afternoon when I would take the children and one of Florence’s little pals to the park for the tea party! When Florence saw the picture of the cake she couldn’t stop looking but when she saw the real thing through a little window in the box, I did have worries that it wouldn’t last the morning as she wouldn’t stop going back to have another peek! Still, we managed it and by late afternoon, it was time!

But nobody wanted to eat any party food. All anyone cared about was getting that cake out of the box!! So, eventually we did!

Even though it was nobodies birthday, we decided that a party is not a party without a candle on the cake so we just had to do it and instead of singing ‘Happy Birthday To You’, we sang ‘Happy Sunny Day To Us’!

We sang and then… We had to cut into it! I thought the children wouldn’t want to do that, I certainly didn’t, it was too pretty but the girls quickly declared they wanted to eat the head and body of poor old ‘Hello Kitty’! so with her removed and being tucked into I finally brought myself to cut in…

Chocolatey, gooey, layered yumminess! I could tell just by slicing in with the knife that it was moist and succulent… Ooooh yes! I wasn’t going to eat much because of my diet but when a cake looks this good…

Mmmmm, I can honestly say that the cake is just perfection! How can anyone bake like this? Light yet full of chocolate and rich but melting on the tongue… Not a black middle in sight! A mystery and thanks to Robin, it’s one I don’t have to solve. She’s solved it, let her know the answer and just do it for you – I don’t know anyone who could do it better! Robin used to bake cakes for family and friends and spend her day times in an office. She worked in banking and when the market took a dip she decided to run with her heart and start a business, a business I am sure she must have been told to create every time anyone saw, ate or heard about one of her creations because they really are something to behold.
My Mum can do this sort of thing but it takes her hours, literally hours and she gets in a faff and inevitable has to patch a bit of icing up with something because a bit has gone wrong. She’s amazing and I’m not complaining but I know that she does not enjoy the task; you can clearly see from this cake that Robin really does. Our cake was a work of art and for £65, it’s a completely unique and stress free way of giving your children a birthday cake to show stop and wow! If we hadn’t wanted to eat it so much I’d have put it in our window for our local arts trail but I’m glad we did because it tastes amazing! Just have a gander at her website www.londoncake.co.uk and see for yourself all the intricate designs and unusual shapes – we’re talking major impressive cakes here!
Florence and Jimmy loved their cake and so did their little friend. It was utterly stunning in every way and the best bit is that we have loads left! Don’t get me wrong, we ate a ton yesterday but I reckon we have enough to do a slice a day for each of us until the weekend! YUMMY!

I was not paid to write this post but I was sent a cake for the purpose of review.