We started this week with a brighter and lighter outlook. The actual sunshine of last week disappeared but came back for the weekend and we have a far sunnier disposition as we all settled down into our roles at home finding an easier equilibrium. I’ve worked and been lucky enough to have been able to continue doing so, Jonny has been given the news his course continues albeit with more homework and he has been busy doing that while we have taken it in turns to entertain and educate the children.
I think educate is a very loose term as we haven’t been doing much structured learning. A little bit here and there but mostly we want them to just be happy and not stressed out so it’s been more days starting with P.E with Joe Wicks to get us moving and a bit of a relaxed approach as well as some musical Zoom classes and Cubs virtual meet ups – isn’t this smaller world actually quite huge! Half way through this week should have seen us begin the Easter holidays which we cannot enjoy as we would have done so we won’t try, we will do things differently and enjoy them in a new way. I think we will continue with a few lessons, arts and crafts and trying to enjoy being with each other, we need a plan or I think then we might get bogged down with a bit of boredom.
Gram has become a dab hand at downloading apps on her iPad and has been able to video call us for family chats that feel as in person as they can be right now and we continue to try and buoy each other up. It’s really been a good week with some lovely evening walks and actually we are all enjoying being in each other’s company (most of the time). There’s been jobs and DIY this week and lots of laughing with less arguing. Long may it continue and well into when this is all over.
The worry of what is happening is great but I am trying to keep it in check, not pass it on to the children and also limit the news and talking about it with friends. As long as I know what I am supposed to be doing I see not much good from reading sad individual stories which I find frightening and which make me panic. Instead I am trying to see the silver linings to this situation but don’t get me wrong, I know the magnitude. We just want to stay looking after each other and keep a happy outlook so we look forward to next week, it’s tough at times but we feel lucky, we really do! Here’s our week in pictures!