Well… It would have been back to school after the Easter holidays so of course this meant back to the home school of dreams (read nightmares) for us! Florence is fine to get on with work but needs help when she gets stuck and frankly I have literally NO idea how to do a lot of the things she is being taught so that’s not exactly the easiest for me and Jonny HAS to take over but of course he is ALSO working on his own course work so again… Not easy! Jimmy… Oh he’s another story and does NOT want to do ANYTHING for either one of us. I can’t get him engaged in ANYTHING and only the threat of sending videos of him shouting and refusing to his teacher gets him to reluctantly and angrily sit down. But there are tears… Oh so many tears! And this all revolves around a demanding two year old who does not see any reason why my, or the big kids for that matter, attention should be on anything other than him!
The school have set work and that does make it a bit easier than stabbing in the dark but man this is not how I like life to be. We are looking forward to normality resuming when it comes to school that’s for absolutely certain. Though this is also a fear for me as people keep pressing the government for an end date and they are discussing when would be acceptable. For me it would only be acceptable once we know the virus is gone and we are all safe. Such a precarious time!
Still, school work aside we have been enjoying the sunshine and the fun that we have become accustomed to within each others company. More games, more walks, more art in the garden, more laughing and more appreciating this time together that we are trying to treat as a bonus. Because it can be if we make it so!
I would say no one was happy to be back at school work this week!Jimmy’s loose interpretation of reading involved a Marvel annual – you know what, I’m picking my battles!My Mum dug out the big kids old water table and left it on her front porch for us to pick up on a food delivery and Raffie has been LOVING it!A break in the day of the first home school back after Easter made for some light relief in an otherwise hard transition!Florence firmly decided she is enjoying Mediterranean weather even when it’s quite cold when it comes to her wardrobe! We realised unsuprisingly that Daddy is a much better teacher than Mummy. Unfortunately as he has his own work to do rubbish teacher Mummy does have to come into play more than ANYONE would like!We tried to get a picture for the logo on my column of Raffie in the buggy opening his arms wide as if on a roller coaster. The first attempt when he was tired and grumpy did not go well!The next day with the bribe of Twirl Bites and it went somewhat more to plan!Joe Wicks continued to floor us as a family – all in good fun though. This is actually the very best way to start the day!More fun in the sun!And picnics in the garden!I mean can there be any troubles when you’re eating outside?!And sleeping in the sunshine too, what could be better?!Poor Raffie had a sickness bug again on Friday. It lasted only half a day so I’m wondering if it’s his teeth again rather than a bug?! Hope so!We made Gram a birthday present!Where we all used our hand prints and left a gap for Gram’s!Raffie learned how to catch a ball!We had lots more lovely sunshiney walks as well as bike rides!We took Gram her present and she did her hand print while we stood back!I think she liked it!And her, Florence and I had pastries we took her for breakfast and a cup of tea on her drive way in a socially distant way! It was lovely and made for a real change and a special for her birthday!Well, we won’t forget it will we?!We had afternoon tea delivered to my Mum for her birthday and then we video called her and ate sandwiches and scones with her! Making the best of it!Gram sent a cricket set so we had a birthday afternoon of her favourite game cricket!And we had remote cake. candles and lots of singing ‘Happy Birthday’! Another sunnday Sunday saw another sunny bike ride – Jimmy fell off and hurt his knee and elow though so we locked his bike up to a tree half way around and he hitched a ride in the trailer with Raffie – HARD work for Jonny – not so much for the boys!Then we did some photo recreations for fun!Raffie’s turn next!