Somehow this week did feel easier in the sense that things are beginning to feel a little more normal. I have been worrying and worrying about things returning to normal faster than would be good for the health of our country but actually it does seem to be dripping. The slow puncture method is working I think, or at least it is for us, and we have been incredibly lucky that Jonny has not needed to go to school very often at all. Next week may be different… I had been having this anxious feeling hanging over me and I wonder if I’ve been in a sort of perpetual panic attack as when I Google how I’m feeling panic attack seems to be the most likely option. I’ve never had one before and it’s an odd sensation I am not comfortable with so I’m glad things don’t seem to feel as scary as they did a few weeks ago.
The sun has been shining again and this helps everyone’s mood. I am happy to slowly come back to normal life with no singing and dancing parties, holidays, festivals or days out like we would usually be doing. The children will merge into the summer holidays from home school and then I hope by September that we are all well rested and invigorated for a new year which will be different but not as wildly so as it would have been going at 100mph.
I have liked slowly seeing friends at a distance and adding my Mum to our bubble. For us there has been no imperative rush and it feels right just about now.
This week was more home school which I also think has got easier – we have 5 weeks more of this then the summer holidays, oh thank goodness! And playing in the sun followed by Father’s Day. So in lockdown so far we have celebrated Mother’s Day, my Mum’s birthday, Jimmy’s birthday, my Dad’s birthday, Jonny’s Mum’s birthday and now Father’s Day. We totally have this celebration at a distance malarkey down pat!
Monday felt a bit low for all of us, maybe we needed to recharge but I took no photos as we did absolutely nothing aside from Joe Wicks, home school and sit on the sofa. Tuesday I decided during home school that we had to get out of the funk!So we went to the beach in the afternoon!It was beyond lovely – the sun shone, hardly anyone else around and we really relaxed!I tried to get a picture of Jonny with his three babies for Father’s Day – none of them obliged!I guess they were all too busy having fun!I don’t remember ever having gone to this beach before, Sea Palling, and Jonny hadn’t been since he was a child but we’d definitely go back!I did take swimming costumes but they chose to go in in their clothes instead, of course!The sand was warm and it was glorious! Believe it or not Jimmy was actually happy here, I promise!We really did have a lovely afternoon!Happy!Happy!Happy!Now we did this the wrong way around as Wednesday was gloriously sunny and Thursday all kinds of raining cats and dogs but on Wednesday we stupidly decided to stay in and do household jobs, the boring bed changes and hoovering and while we did it Florence baked up a storm with a Mary Berry Victoria Sponge!It had the best cream to cake ratio I’ve ever seen and for a first cake baked entirely on her own it was outstanding. In fact not just for a first cake, for any cake!Jimmy mainly played on Fortnite after school work as there was an upgrade… He played with his pals belonging to my friend Carolynne, a boy who left his school to go to another who he hasn’t seen for ages and his friends in London. THIS is why I love Fortnite!And Raffie played in the garden – our pool is currently down but we will bring it out again in a couple of weeks!Of course Thursday was thoroughly raining (an ideal house cleaning day – must be more weather forecat savvy) so the boys hunkered down and made a train of beds to watch their iPads in!And played Fortnight because… Well, apparently you can’t get enough Fortnite!And played trains!We set up a little nail bar for Florence!And eventually the sun did come out so we went for a family walk/scoot/skateboard!Florence is getting really good on her board now!Despite little brothers always having to have a “MY GO”!Friday saw Jimmy really get into his writing. Of his own volition he wrote thid poem! And performed it beautifully! And a fsmily bike ride saw us caught in the rain beforre we had a distanced meet on the commom with pals! Sunny Saturday and we ventured to a farm which did pick your own – I was worried there’s be loads of people but there really wasn’t and it was lovely!The children really enjoyed picking strawberries!Finding the biggest, reddest and juiciest ones!And eating a few along the way!We got loads!And lots of raspberries too!It was a really chilled activity, something different for us to do and we all enjoyed it!LOOK at how delicious!Super sweet!This haul cost us £12 which is cheaper than the supermarket and we had all the fun of the picking!Even if we did get straw in our shoes!Then we went for a play in Gram’s garden!Where this cardboard box caused some arguments – everyone loves a cardboard box big enough to get in!Jimmy’s chair collapsed on him!The boys did make up!And we got to spend some lovely time with Gram!Sunday was Father’s Day so we woke up to presents!A lovely big breakfast!And then we headed to the beach to see Jonny’s family for fish and chips!We heavily misread the weather and poor Florence was in way too warm clothing and had no swimming costume – must read the weather forecast properly!The boys went in in their birthday suits and pants but Florence stayed on the sand building things and making a happy father’s day sign for Jonny!We forgot to buy the paper with my column in it but my friend Victoria saved the day!I think they had a nice father’s Day and this next week is sun so I’m thinking more days at the beach might be in order!