Marsdens Devon Cottages!
Florence has surfed all summer long and been in the sea as much as she’s been out of it. But to be a surfer in Britain you have to have a hardiness in your passion because obviously, though we’ve had some glorious days, they never last long and if you want to do it all year round then you need to grow some scales (and invest in a really super duper wet suit). Now here where we live the beaches are lovely but the surf isn’t always huge, for that you do need to visit the south of the country and I think we all think of Devon when we picture surfer dudes in the UK!
I’d love to take Florence on a little trip – it’s a long journey for us, about 6 hours, but so worth it as the coast line is beautiful and then there’s that surf! We could be on the beach all day every day in our house, come rain or shine and whatever the weather. In fact, salty air kissing my cheeks as wind whips them and the sea sprays is one of my all time favourite things to do. Yes I love the sunshine but oh wow I love a theatrical grey day at the beach too and Devon… Oh wow, it’s lit up with beautiful backdrops all year round!

I love the idea of cuddling up in a cosy Marsdens Cottage for the week and taking wild walks while Florence takes surfing lessons and the boys dig holes. I mean Jimmy digs them and Raffie sits in them but either way it’s a past time which suits them both and I’d sit, feet on sand, blanket over knees knitting and watching. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it!

If I was choosing a cottage break for October half term or next year perhaps (oh wouldn’t that just be wonderful?!) then I would opt for Woolacombe, it’s somewhere I’ve been before but not for many years and I know the countryside is as aesthetically pleasing as the sea plus it’s got amazing surf! On the North Devon coastline it’s considered an area of outstanding beauty and I could conjure up a wonderful idea for a novel or a screen play – I’m always doing that but very rarely write anything down darn it! I do rather fancy myself in this kind of role… I’d go for a little touch of luxe too and choose a big house all to ourselves like Beach House on the Marsdens website it has sea views and en suite bathrooms for all the bedrooms. It looks like a really modern home from home only it’s better than my actual home because it has a games room – living the dream people, living the dream!

What I like about the idea of visiting this part of the country out of season is that it’s very quiet and the rural nature coupled with the sea makes it feel like you’re a million miles from anywhere… Oh the glory!
I’m the sort of person who always needs something to look forward to or I get a bit melancholy. I know it sounds daft but just having that carrot dangling makes all the difference so now is totally the time to start thinking about booking those breaks in for 2020. Book now for next year and you’ll have a year to dream up all the fun you’ll be having in a lovely cottage in Devon! Well, that’s what I’d choose…
Where would you go for your staycation of dreams? A little cottage in the winter where you can hug blankets over knees and eat good wholesome food as a family or something a little more exotic?!
Collaborative post.