Neon 87!
I’ve wanted a Neon light for forever but couldn’t decide on what I wanted. I kept looking, kept investigating and kept coming to the same decision, that I needed assistance with it. I’m really not one of those people with “the eye”, know what I mean? Whenever I make any kind of decor decision I usually regret it and faced with the reality of my vision, it never quite comes off. So when spending money on something important, that will adorn your wall for a long time, I just didn’t feel confident in ordering without help. In stepped Neon 87 and for once, after much deliberation and to-ing and fro-ing with the team there, I have the perfect piece for my garden room wall which has been bare for 6 years since we moved in as I have dared not touch naked brick without knowing 100% that I have exactly the right thing.

It was nail biting stuff putting it on the wall. Jonny, who is NOT Mr DIY but is better than me, held his breath the entire time less he muck it up but I’m pleased to say it’s up, it went up easily, and the end result is absolutely pukka!
I honestly couldn’t be more pleased with it and this is how we managed to come by the perfect neon sign! I was contacted by Neon 87 who custome make neon lighting designs, as well as selling their own collections and custom making illuminated business signage and asked if I’d like to work with them on this project. They promised they would help me all the way in the design of my own sign and that I could sample their service that way. I had NO IDEA at this point, still, despite always keeping an eye out, what I wanted it to say so I started Googling, Pinteresting and looking on line at old bar signs from New York. Eventually I found a sign from a bar that said “No Riff Raff” and I loved it. Only the words didn’t really sit well with us, we ARE the riff raff almost certainly, so I had a think about how the wording could be changed up a little to make it fit into our family and decided upon “Riff Raff ONLY”! It seemed apt!

Deciding upon the colours, the font and how it was to be laid out and yet again my design funk appeared but the team at Neon 87 had a play about with my ideas and came back to me with some designs. I told them what bits I liked and which I’d like slightly different and again they came back with different options and colourways until we had an agreed look. Now onto how we would install it and again I went a bit mute for it felt slightly daunting. They must have thought me a most tricky customer to not ever really know what I wanted, how I wanted it, where I wanted it, but they quietly suggested all the options and asked me questions about where it was going to live and we agreed that I would have an extra long piece of cable so that I could run it from one room to the other (I had thought we didn’t have a socket in the room I wanted it – turns out I know nothing as we do) and the option to have it wired in at a later date would still be open to me. LOVED this, it sounded so easy but I still didn’t believe that it would be!

Then it arrived, this part of the process was super quick (unlike my deliberation) and we looked at it in its box for a few days feeling a little overwhelmed before biting the bullet and putting it up! It came with everything you need to install it to your wall and trust me, if Jonny can do it then anyone can. And we LOVE it!
Seriously LOVE it! It came with a remote control which you can turn it on and off with or change the settings to make it flash continuously, at various different intermittent flashes or remain on permanently -at different brightness settings.

It has absolutely changed the room and now I can’t think why we didn’t leap a bit quicker. I think buying an expensive piece of art IS daunting and I know why I was so fearful about choosing the wrong thing. It’s not the expense (and actually this sign is pretty decent value at £250), but more the living with a bad purchase. This is anything but that! It’s a focal point in the room which so needed it, it’s a talking point for everyone who walks into the room and it makes our room feel homely, lived in and is so just us! It also works excellently in the background for ALL my pictures so you will be seeing it LOTS in the future too!

I cannot recommend Neon 87 enough and Florence is SO keen on this sign that she wants one for her room too. i’d have no hesitation in making another order from them so Christmas presents are on the cards!
Thanks you Neon 87, for your kindness at working slowly with me to create the most perfect piece of neon art!
Neon 87 currently are offering 10% off with purchases over £250.