I often find myself sneering slightly when celebrities talk of their ‘beauty secrets’… Take this week for example, it was a big shiny female celeb’s milestone birthday and with pictures of her flashing up all over day time television alongside captions like ‘see how she stays looking so young in our feature’ and ‘Fabulous still but HOW does she do it?’ it made me groan to myself, if only they were honest when detailing her ‘beauty secrets’ they’d just give out the name of her Hollywood surgeon!
I don’t have a problem with it. Not at all! What I DO have a problem with is the media telling us how to look as good as celebs but then recommending we buy a cream or simply go on a detox. Of course those things might be lovely but they’re not going to have the same results as having a major cosmetic procedure! And, frankly, how many of us ‘real people’ want to have one anyway?!
I’m not sure I could go under the knife dramatically in the name of vanity? Not for a nip and tuck anyway… Never say never and all that but the thought kind of gives me the heebie jeebies! That’s not to say I’m not open to doing small things which are bigger than a pot of cream but not as major as ‘proper surgery’! I had microdermabrasion with a mild chemical peel a year ago. It was interesting and left my skin looking lovely and refreshed. I might consider doing it again for sure but I wouldn’t do it regularly! I also had some moles on my face removed and it was one of the best things I ever did! Something so small changed the way I feel about myself and I only wish I’d done it sooner rather than spending all those years being upset about them! And I’d definitely get my teeth straightened using Invisalign after being denied a brace by my dentists as a teen and always wishing I’d been allowed to have one. We didn’t used to put a lot of store in this country in creating the best smile we could have, thankfully that has all changed and Invisalign Huddersfield can help immeasurably!

The thing I don’t like about celebs who have had surgery is that they very rarely admit it. Instead of big headlines saying ‘Look at so and so, she’s looking younger than ever’ then proclaiming to know how she’s done it with nothing more than a serum, I’d rather they themselves said ‘I was feeling hideous, I had the money, so I sorted out my wobbly neck’! I’d have much more respect for them then because I think, like my moles, if there’s something we don’t like about ourselves and we CAN do something about it then we should!
Having my little procedure was something I’d thought about for such a long time and similar procedures usually cost under £500. Ok, it’s a bit of money but this was something I was upset about for literally years and years! I’m so pleased with the results that it’s made me wonder about other things I don’t like as well. There’s not a lot I can do about my knees and unless I don’t eat then my bum probably won’t be super tight again but the fact my lower set of teeth are crooked is something I really could remedy. It’s seriously on my radar to have them done!
My top set are straight, straight, straight – see the picture above! It would be very rare to find a photograph of me with my bottom set of gnashers on display! Because the top was fine, my dentist as a young teen thought I didn’t need braces despite the bottom set being on the wonk – I still feel angry with him thinking about it now. I mean, they’re not dreadful but I don’t like them at all and when I spoke to my dentist recently she showed me pictures of the results that braces can give in just a few months! It’s not as expensive as you might think either and absolutely within the budget of most if they really want it! My only problem would be being seen as an adult with braces on and feeling silly!
I think I may have found a solution to that as well though! Invisalign Braces are invisible but do exactly the same job as the traditional train track ones! Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten the teeth. Each aligner is worn for two weeks and then replaced with the next in the series while the aligners are custom-made and each one is slightly different to allow room for movement. The treatment is planned in advance using sophisticated computer software so that the expected outcome of treatment can be seen before the braces have even touched the teeth! Pretty cool eh?! Again you might think it’s out of reach for most people’s pockets but there are Invisalign offers in London at Sensu that I’m definitely going to be giving some consideration to!
I realise I many have seemed like I’ve contradicted myself a little here because what I don’t like about people having ‘work done’ is that they don’t admit it but, in my defence, I WOULD tell people I was having my teeth sorted out or indeed that I’d HAD them sorted out but I just wouldn’t want to have to put up with the look of braces while they were being fixed! It’s a bit like when I had my moles removed, I’m super pleased I did it but I felt like a real wally walking around with massive scars for a couple of weeks while they healed!
Definitely something think about and hey, this could be a real ‘celebrity smile’ but WITHOUT a true celebrity purse being needed!
In association with Invisalign.
You always look amazing Ruth!
I had laser treatment for acne and it was the best thing I ever did, finally cleared the problem and increased my confidence. I agree that it’s much fairer to say I had such and such done, it’s really amazing and actually works – unlike this overpriced cosmetic I’m trying to sell you.
I would definitely consider having other bits if I needed it and teeth is on that list but is still just a bit too pricey!
What you have described sounds very much like what my sister is having done right now. It’s working really well for her.