Last weekend we went to see In The Night Garden Live at the o2 for a fifth year in a row. This tells you, I guess, all you need to know about how we feel about the show! I mean, you certainly don’t go back five years running if you don’t love it now do you?!
And love it we do!
The show dome, a purpose built theatre which inflates and looks like just an extra Ha Hoo travels with the show from venue to venue and it is, in itself, very exciting! It’s particularly exciting at the o2 whcih at the moment is home to not just the NGL gang but also to Take That. A very exciting place to be!
Florence first went when she was 18 months old and Jimmy was introduced to the show at just 2 weeks old. Yesterday they loved it just as much as ever and even thogh Florence is too old for the TV programme (her words, not mine) she says she’ll ALWAYS want to see it at ‘the show’ as she calls it!

The show is amazing, magical, terribly clever and perfect for any Night Garden fan. We saw the Ninky Nonk show yesterday but you can choose if Pinky Ponk is more your preference. All the characters (bar the extremely rare Wattingers) were in attendance and yet again we marveled at the balletic performance with the super brilliant puppeteers. We danced and sang a long and Jimmy asked this morning if we can go again! Oh what a wonderful theatre experience for children.
Afterwards we went on the emirates Cable Car and soaked up the atmosphere of the area!
We had a brilliant day – look!
You can book tickets and find out tour dates for In The Night Garden Live at went as guests of the show in order to review it.
I really don’t like In the night garden but the show looks quite fun actually. Glad you had a nice time!