Outside Live – Norwich – The Greatest Showman!
With dreams of going to the drive in movies after watching many a 50’s set American film the outdoor cinema experience totally appealed to me and when I was asked, very kindly, if I’d like to accept an invitation to go and see The Greatest Showman with Outside Live this weekend, we jumped at the chance! In return for telling all on my blog and socials afterwards we got to sit in the glorious golden hour sunshine last evening as we danced and sang to the songs which were played in a sing-a-long after the screening of the film and Florence and her bestie had an absolute blast!
The gates opened at midday with lots of yummy food stalls and a well stocked bar selling alcohol for the parents (and very inexpensively so too – posh G&Ts for £3) and at 2pm the fun started with entertainment in the form of a live singer, circus skills training for the kiddos and lots of jolly atmosphere as people ate picnics and sat in the sunshine – earlier on in the day the heavens had opened and I was worried, I’m not going to lie, but it stayed dry and fairly warm for the afternoon – weren’t we lucky!

Florence LOVES The Greatest Showman, more than me to be honest. I realise it’s very popular and I’m in the minority but it’s just not my fave. I love the music but I’ve never really found myself concentrating enough (it kind of throws me out for some reason) to really get involved in the story line. Still, I knew that it would be a hit with her and her friend and sure enough they LOVED it!

We all got dressed up (me included) which is all part of the experience and there’s even a £100 prize for the best fancy dress (which we sadly didn’t win) and the girls had lots of fun doing acrobatics and dancing pre, during and after the show!

For us it was a real girls day out as we left the boys at home and I saw other groups of just girls and lots and lots of families. This is a mega popular film and the crowd were enjoying every second of the now very famous songs.

What a fabulous way to spend the afternoon – such a simple idea which was executed brilliantly for families at the Norfolk Showground yesterday. We’ll be back!
We were gifted out experience.