Easter has been a bit of a washout for us both in terms of the weather (I need some sunshine) and because we’ve been struck down with Norovirus. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill and the big kids and Jonny have also had a bit of a bout so all in all it’s not been great! Jonny was off for the first week on holiday but I was so poorly I couldn’t do anything and everyone else tag teaming on the sick bay has meant we’ve been pretty bored. Then, in true to sod’s law style, as soon as Jonny went back to work we’ve all picked up and been in need of some family days out .
So… We’ve done some of our faves, Jonny took them to BeWILDerwood while I was ill and I’ve done the zoo and Africa Alive this week and yesterday we took another trip out to Newmarket to enjoy some time at Palace House and take part in their Easter Art-Travaganza! I’d been impressed on our visit in Feb half term and most importantly so had the kiddos. It might not be the place that immediately springs to mind when you’re thinking of entertaining the little ones but actually, you’d be surprised like we were and find it’s a thoroughly enjoyable museum for the whole family. Plenty of hands on exhibitions keep the children occupied while there’s lots to see and do for the grown ups too.

They have lots of art on display (not really our thing) but also exhibits like the horse and human brain and heart where the kids can pick up models of each and compare, are just up their street. Learning all the while about horses and racing in Newmarket the children lapped it all up last time when we went on a guided tour and this time got to enjoy it all even more as we took it at our own leisure!

We had a Family Day Ticket giving us access to all the areas at the National Heritage Centre, Rothschild Yard and Palace House, a real benefit of booking a day family ticket (valid for 2 adults and 4 children). Usually this ticket would cost £35 (visitors can upgrade to an Annual Family Ticket for £45, again valid for 2 adults and 4 children, which allows entry for the whole family for a year from the ticket purchasing date) but currently there is an online promotion cutting £1 off all original ticket prices. I think the price is pretty good but would recommend paying the little bit extra for an annual making it blooming excellent value and you’d only have to visit twice in a year to have gained.

Yesterday was all about the things we hadn’t done the last time the race horse simulator which the kids (and I) thought was super fun! You get to dress up like a jockey and have a go at feeling what it’s like to really be racing on a horse. The kids laughed so much and had such a great time here that we could have stayed for hours. We also obviously took part in their art fun which is especially laid on for the Easter holidays. Then kids got to decorate hats and egg cups (all included in the entry price) and once done with the egg cups the shop gave them a chocolate egg to put inside them. The art room was great actually as it was pretty cold and they had puzzles and games as well as crafty fun meaning we got to shelter from the darn cold weather! And eat our picnic in warmth!

We had a picnic from the on site restaurant ‘The Tack Room’ which made us all individual bags of sandwiches, Scotch eggs and the most glorious sausage rolls and cakes. They were extremely substantial and at £6 for children and £10 for adults I’d say very good value. We enjoyed them very much but it wasn’t a great day for picnicing unfortunately and eating it inside was a shame. I think another trip and I’d choose to eat in the restaurant and get something warm inside me while I’d definitely go for the picnic option in the summer.

It was a really fun day and yet gentle and slow paced, just what we needed! We are looking forward to seeing Newmarket and Palace house in the sunshine but we certainly would say it’s worth a visit for some rainy day fun too. Why not?!
We were invited as guests to Palace House.