Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth Does Fairground Frights!

Honestly we had the BEST time at Fairground Frights (courtesy of Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth) last night. It was absolutely, well & truly, totally & utterly wonderful. And I don’t say that lightly. I am not one for a theme park in general because I hate bloody queueing (we didn’t for more than 4 minutes on any ride – I timed it) & I also don’t like being cold. Plus right now I’m pregnant & can’t go on anything… Which is rubbish as the thing I DO like about a theme park is the rides. I will go on everything on a normal day (unlike wussy Jonny) & though I don’t enjoy it as much as I did as a kid (spinning does tend to make me feel sick these days) I think when in Rome & all that! However… Last night was perfection. And that was from a standing point of spectator only, in the rain & cold to the point I couldn’t feel my fingers. So what & how have they done it so right that on a Wednesday evening of bad weather I would venture out past my bed time (I’m pregnant, don’t judge me, 8pm is late) & actually enjoy it?!
Well… I don’t know if I could put my finger on one exact ingredient – it was just such a happy atmosphere from the moment we stepped inside the gates & the rides were excellent with no queues (as mentioned) while the actors, led by Ben Woodward of Triple Threat Stage School, were outstanding (always in character, knowing when to keep going with the scare & when to back off a bit for a younger audience – both chilling & thrilling all in one) & the music was outstanding too. A DJ stood high up on the (Not So) Fun House conducting the party – it made me feel like I was in the Waterfront for a 90s all nighter (in reality 5-8pm – yes I know I said past my bed time – lots has changed since the 90s) but there was something else… A little bit of magical je nes sais quoi.

All I know is we had 3 kiddos (I swapped the baby for my nephew as it is NOT recommended for under 5s) who came home filled to the brim with fun after unlimited rides and plenty of Halloween fun!
And would we go back – oh yes, in a heart beat I’d be back there tonight so hurry, hurry, hurry because this is on for only 3 more nights and you don’t want to miss it!
It’s been a long old time since I’ve visited Pleasure Beach in Great Yarmouth but going back for the first time in years had to be done in time to see their new Fairground Frights especially on for Halloween – what an alternative that’s so welcome this year more than any other!
For 4 nights only over October half term (28th – 31st of October) Great Yarmouth’s flagship tourist stop Pleasure Beach is playing host to ghosts, ghouls and a Fright night experience like no other and with their live actors, pumpkin carving, fancy dress competitions (Oh Florence was all over that competition – and has asked me 5 times already this morning to check if she’s won) and more surprises and scares merge with the much loved rides that have helped put the Greatest of Yarkos on the map! Everyone who’s ever visited GY knows PB and seeing it at night (Fright Nights run between 5pm and 8pm) is a whole new spookily fun experience.

Tickets cost £17 for unlimited rides on the ghost train, roller coaster and everything else in the park (loads of rides) and it is an absolute must to book on line ahead of time. COVID safety is of real importance to both PB and the outside company running the fun evening and I saw so much cleaning going on rather silently and smoothly all evening as I stood waiting for the others to get off rides. They are taking it seriously and the execution is perfect without being intrusive at all!
What a fun and different thing to do for Halloween this year!

We were invited to the opening night of Fairground Frights at Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth as part of a partnership.