We were sent the Plum Interactive Cookie Kitchen for review and chose to have it at my Mum’s house until our loft is converted and we have a proper playroom for it to go in. It’s not massively big because it’s slim and stands against a wall but I’m afraid until we can have the work done to make our pad bigger we are too much up against it with space for anything like it at home just yet…
It really is a shame though as the children have been really looking forward to playing with it and we’ve had to wait until half term to come up for a visit. Florence has a tiny kitchen at home which was fine when she was 2 but doesn’t really cut the mustard these days yet she LOVES to pretend to cook up menus for us and be a busy little bee in the kitchen! I wrote a couple of week’s ago how much both of them were looking forward to coming to Gram’s and having a play; My Mum has a big house and a playroom for the children and the new addition has been waited for eagerly!

You see, this is not just a play kitchen big enough for a grown up little girl AND her brother but it is one with a very special feature. As much as it is old-fashioned in its wooden make and aesthetics it is also very, VERY modern! There is a space where the microwave is which can have the painted wooden picture of one removed and in its place a tablet which, once the FREE app is downloaded, let’s children play at cooking roast chicken, popcorn and cakes. You get to choose what you want to cook (in time there will be more options to the app for cooking as well) and then set the timer before you start the oven cooking. You have to be careful not to over cook and burn anything though!

The iPad or tablet of choice slots in behind the grips which you adjust to size. I have an iPad mini so it is much smaller than the space but once it is locked in the middle it doesn’t look out of place at all. The app is fab and once food is cooked you can take it out of the oven and even pick up any stray popcorn to put back in the bowl if you cooked that! So much fun!
I don’t let the children have my iPad all the time though so when it’s not in the kitchen they have to use the board that comes with it and their imaginations. They like both and have equal fun playing with either which is good. Of course they can also use the app when it is not in the kitchen too!
Plum kitchens are delightful, we have always liked them because as well as looking so lovely they are big enough to last a child for a long time. They ar sturdy and well made while they come with a lovely selection of wooden utensils and pans which is fab. They didn’t used to but Plum have definitely listened to their customers on that point replacing cheaper plastic pots and pans for something far more in keeping with the kitchens! They are everything you would want them to be and then, because they have great cupboards, can be used to store toys at the end of the day and make the room look tidy! Brilliant!
My Mum put the kitchen together on her own and said it took exactly the amount of time stated in the instructions while being relatively easy. The only problem was that most of the parts had letters on which corresponded to a check list and a couple were missing their identification. This meant she had to measure them herself to ensure she was putting the right bit in the right place, no biggie just a slight annoyance at the time.
The kitchen looks brilliant and even better is that it is neutral colours. We had a Plum kitchen before (it is packed up awaiting our much anticipated play room at home) which is VERY pink and that might put some boys off playing with it when boys really love to play at kitchens and cooking so this is a much better option! All in all, we love it and just look why!
We were sent the Plum Interactive Cookie Kitchen for the purpose of an honest review.
This looks amazing, I would have loved this as a little girl, its so much better than the one I had myself. Makes me wish I had a little girl to buy it for, as I don’t think my boys would be that interested 🙁 xx
How amazing is this! Things have come a long way since I was younger! x
Looks great fun.
Would love this for my little neice, she would absolutely love it.
There fab my daughter would love them
Wow this is fab!
amazing a childs dream kitchen
I have a cmn tablet says my device isn’t compatible with the free plum app disappointed and my wee girl too. Their website needs to be more specific about which tablets are suited.