It’s hard to stay positive in the early part of the year despite alll our good intentions of a New Year’s resolution. The weather can be so dire and with dark mornings and early evening sun down there’s not much to make us feel great; Seasonal Affective Disorder can grip even the best of us and what we really need is to just take a leaf out of a child’s book, forget about diets and gym memberships and instead make our minds positive by being big kids! Mini Babybel have a great plan to inspire us all to do just this and I have to say, I’m already thinking more positively thanks to them!
For as long as I can remember the children have had a Mini Babybel cheese in their lunch boxes. It’s the perfect food for a weaning baby as they can hold it themselves while they’re soft and easy to eat. They’ve continued to have them as they’ve got older because, aside from being jolly tasty (I’ve been known to request a bite myself on many occasions), they’re the perfect size for a lunch box while requiring no pot or wrapping as they come in their own little wax jacket – which is half the fun of course and always turns me into a big kid!
I remember Florence being extremely small and getting very upset with me for having taken the wax coating off for her and I long ago learned that if it’s YOUR Mini Babybel then it’s YOUR wax coating to remove in that satisfying way! They love to have one on their way home from school, are all children as starving as mine when they come out of the school gates I wonder?!
We also have a bit of a tradition in our house that we then roll up the red wax and make modelled roses from it as if it were Playdoh after we’ve eaten – anyone else, no, probably just us then! We also like to cut shapes out of the wax to brighten them up and make it a little bit fun for the lunch box. This is great for a themed bento lunch and there’s some brilliant ideas on Pinterest!

It’s great that they also make a Mini Babybel light with all the flavour of its full fat cousin but with only 42 calories per cheese! Not that my children need to worry about calories as they’re skinny minnies but if they’re in the fridge then there’s always a chance I will have one so… If they’re light, they’re definitely better for ME!
Stacey Solomon, who I always think is lovely when we see her at events, is also a fan of Mini BabyBel light and has teamed up with them for their #BigKid campaign this winter! The campaign is all about thinking positively and enjoying a lighter life but with all the fun a kid would have! I love it! Last week she encouraged commuters on the South Bank to go pogo sticking with her and it looks, from the shots, like they all had a blast – I’d LOVE to give this a go!
We’re moving to the countryside in the next few weeks and one of the things I want to get myself for our new life in the sticks is a scooter. I love how the children have so much fun whizzing to school on theirs and I want to keep up with them so why the heck not?! This campaign has definitely given me the impetus I need to go and buy a grown up one! We’ll have a bigger journey home from school in our new house and scooters for all of us sounds like just the ticket!

Thanks Stacey, I’ve often thought about getting a scooter but you’ve totally encouraged me to get one and be a big kid too! Not only will it be healthy, but fun to boot and hey, I’m sure it’ll burn enough calories for me to enjoy a Mini Babybel light as a snack on the way home just like the kids do – who needs the gym anyway?!

Stacey’s Top Tops for staying positive in the winter are:
- Catch up with an old friend on the phone – It’s amazing what a chat can do when you’ve not spoken for a while!
- Try to smile at everyone you pass – You’ll feel happier and you might even make their day!
- Embrace your inner big kid and try an activity you haven’t before – Pogo sticking or roller blading is sure to bring laughter to your day!
- Get out of your comfirt zone and try something completely new – How about a different activity, gym class or hobby?
- Sing in the shower as loud as you want – Everyone sounds amazing in the shower!
- Save money and make extra portions of your supper to have for lunch the next day – A quick and easy way to enjoy a cheap and nutritious meal during the day!
- Forget detox diets – Try home fitness videos where you can wear all your 80’s snazzy leotards and no one will know!
- Don’t look back in anger dwelling on things that happened in 2015 – Move on!
- Don’t be tempted to midlessly munch on junk food – Pack a Mini Babybel Light and some nuts in your bag for snacks that ar enutritional and satisfying.
In association with Mini Babybel Light.