Being 32 weeks pregnant is not easy and I am suffering with all the things you would expect. Heartburn and tiredness are just one symptom but I am also finding it very hard to breathe when I lay down. It almost feels like I’m having a panic attack and I hate it. I mentioned it when I went for a growth scan this week and they immediately sent me for an ECG but it proved everything is fine. My midwife, a bit more sensible and normal I feel, said it was more likely to be an iron deficiency as I have had previous with this, if anything out of the ordinary at all. It could easily just be that the baby is bigger now and there is less space…
My midwife also said that although the scans are showing I am where I should be for 32 weeks, I am exactly where I was on the growth chart with Florence AND Jimmy for 35/36 weeks which is far more in keeping with the dates I think are ,ore likely. The sonographer and consultant who see me regularly because of the low PAPA hormone I have say the figures are exact and non negotiable but my midwife seems far more normal and agrees with me that the growth scans can easily be out. We will see!
This weeks growth scan was horrible as the sonographer was a meanie and not keen on the children being with me. I’m sorry mate but it’s the summer holidays, what do you want me to do with them? They were perfectly well behaved but he was unpleasant and unkind. Florence asked at one point what the two blobs on the screen were and he ignored her completely so I asked again and he didn’t even look at us just said in a rather grumpy tone ‘I don’t know? Something to do with the leg?’! I was fuming but even more so when he passively aggressively stapled a piece of paper to my notes as he handed it to me telling me not to bring my children to the scans anymore! HOW RUDE! If anything I’m going to deliberately take them to the next one regardless! The ECG nurse ripped the sheet off and put it in the bin entirely agreeing that he was rude and totally out of order.
One think I would say is DON’T MESS WITH A PREGNANT WOMAN!
Pregnancy best bits from the kids this week:
(When watching the scan – he’s not fully on board with life about to change)!
Look at that blob. It’s a blob not a baby – phew!
(in awe at the scan)
It’s a hand. Oh my goodness it’s a hand! Did you see me like this? Wow. This is amazing. A hand. An ACTUAL hand! I remember seeing Jimmy like this, I remember now, I remember seeing him in your tummy too!
And I remember seeing Florence. Oh?! Did I?!
No Jimmy. No.