Crime never stops and neither does the need to protect your family throughout the winter months. In order to safeguard your family and your property from unwanted intruders, here are six ideas to help you:
- Protecting the exterior
Making your house look secure from the outside is always important; security products including grilles and shutters will ensure that your home looks uninviting to any passing thief. If your house looks as if it will be difficult to break into then burglars and other uninvited individuals should be deterred.
- Carrying out the basics
A recent article in The Daily Mirror highlighted how thieves take advantage of human forgetfulness. It’s surprising how many people forget to lock their doors and windows when they leave the house. It’s also a good idea to get into the habit of locking your doors when you are inside your home. You might be upstairs and totally unaware that a burglar has gained entry to your home and is busy stealing your possessions from the downstairs.
- Social media can help thieves
It’s surprising how many people post on Facebook or Twitter that they are off on a wonderful family holiday. If a criminal knows your family and has been stalking your social media accounts, this type of post is tantamount to an open invitation to all to come and break into your home. If your insurer is aware that you have written these types of posts your insurance could be void.
- Install an alarm
An alarm, with the security company’s logo emblazoned on the alarm box outside your home, is a perfect way of deterring thieves. The alarm will make a wonderfully loud sound once your house is entered unlawfully and you’ll be made aware of the break in by a smartphone app or, if your alarm is connected to a 24 hour monitoring service, the police will turn up to discover the source of the disturbance. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and an alarm will give you peace of mind.
- Combat dark winter nights with security lights
Winter months have the shortest daylight hours of any season. Therefore, it is sensible to install motion sensor lights on your property that will illuminate your garden and drive the moment that someone enters your perimeters. The Metropolitan Police website has plenty of advice on motion sensor lights as well as standard outside lighting. You can also set your inside lights on timers so that your house will always be well lit, even when you are away from home.
- A basic checklist will help protect your family
Every time you prepare to leave your house, it’s a good idea to run through a basic checklist. Are the doors and windows locked? Make sure that your sheds and garage are also secure; you don’t want bikes, tools and other valuables to go walkabout in your absence. If you have tech equipment, mobile phones or any other expensive objects, don’t leave them near your windows in plain sight for all to see.