A while back you might remember me going to the launch party for the new Quail stroller by Egg. It’s a little sister to the original Egg Stroller and though it owns many of the great features of the original it’s a more compact version perfect for City living!

And a compact City friendly buggy is just what I’ve been after as though I live in the countryside and have a big buggy which perfectly suits my life there, I needed something tiny which would easily fit in the boot of my tiny Corsa, and which would also suit coming into London with me. I don’t have car seat adaptors for my big buggy which makes it tricky for using with the car anyway and something small is always welcome when you only have three doors. We do have a bigger car of course but even then I like to have a nippy set of wheels to travel about with.
So… Raffie and I have been putting the Quail’s wheels to the test over the past few weeks and we like what we’ve seen! I haven’t as yet got to use it with the seat unit so will be able to write more in-depth about that at a later date but we LOVE the look of it and the fact the back panel can be changed to suit your mood or outfit, a little bit of customisation is always pleasing – I have the black snake print effect panel but for the moment have only been using the carrycot and car seat!

The carrycot is an extra to the main body of the buggy which comes with regular seat and choice of canopy (4 choices) and back panel (5 choices), rain cover and under storage basket and for me an integral part of the system (the main buggy costs £599 and the carry cot is £199) although not necessary as if used parent facing the seat is suitable from birth. It comes with the adaptors needed to apply it to the chassis and these are the same adaptors which can be used with most car seats. I have a Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and use it frequently. As we are only using the carry cot or car seat at the moment I leave the adaptors on the chassis all the time and they can be folded down with the frame (which does so with a fantastic click and is super simple) rather than taken off each time – bonus!

It’s lovely to be able to have such a tiny buggy WITH a carry cot and I’ve not seen or used many that are quite this good if I’m honest. It feels like you’re getting all the plus points to having a big buggy but with all the bonus points of having a compact one. I do like to have a tiny baby like Raffie in a carry cot and it just makes life a lot more easy to be able to leave the adaptors on and use them for the car seat too. They both glide on effortlessly and without much lining up, if you get them in the right sort of area they seem to make contact and find each other to slip into place – this is very handy!

I use this buggy mainly for when I am going into London, I usually drive to where we used to live and get the tube in and it’s been brilliant for this! It’s light, it pushes superbly (with swivel wheel lock), the rain cover fits like a glove (they don’t with all buggies and I find that so frustrating) and most importantly Raffie is very comfortable in it. I especially love how tiny this buggy folds down (more apparent when in use with the seat unit) and I LOVE the break. One toe tap for on and another for off so no having to flip it up and down (that scuffs shoes people and this is WORTH a few extra brownie points for not having this aspect alone). I’d say it’s mostly ideal for City living as is so easy to get on and off public transport but there’s no reason why it couldn’t do well in a bit more of a rural environment as long as there are pavements predominantly. In my village there is a LOT of mud and it didn’t do especially well on those sort of surfaces but other than that it’s a glider with a decent sized under storage basket. And that brings me on to the fact that you CAN buy an extra storage box which clips on underneath – absolute genius! Now I haven’t use this aspect yet but I hope to soon and when I write my next review when using the seat unit I hope to be able to tell you more because I think it could be an absolute game changer for such a small buggy!

There are lots of extras like foot muffs and seat liners, a buggy board and of course that storage box so you can really make this stroller what you want and need it to be. For now we give it a massive thumbs up! LOVE the Quail!
I was sent the Quail for the purpose of review.