How’d those three years go by so quickly then? I cannot believe my baby boy, the one we still call “the baby” (although probably not for long I guess) is actually three today and I want to wish him a very happy birthday on my blog as he is truly the good morning sunshine of it and of our family!
He loves his brother and sister as much as they love him, is grumpy and happy and cheeky and funny and just simply wonderful company (most of the time).
He bables along in his own language most of the time and like sitting an a foreign beach listening to people from other countries we can sometimes make out the odd word. He has his own words for lots of things which we have now all taken to using and the most funny one is that he calls Jimmy “Bear”. We’ve no idea why but we love it?!
He loves his whale shark (whale bubble blower) and it comes EVERYWHERE with us (he’s getting a new one for his birthday – exactly the same as the others have broken), still mainly eats pasta, loves the Octonaughts and going to Gymboree!
Sunshine boy!
This year’s photo is a recreation of the one I’ve done since he was one in the same baby grow (stretched), on the same mat with the same bunting and a different cake. Same baby cakes though at one, two and three – and of course our to the minute he was born picture because… That’s my thing!
And here are some of the celebration photos – we went to Amazona Zoo with Gram the day before and are having our best buds Victoria, Kit and Leo over for afternoon tea today, his birthday, followed by a family meal at Pizza Express and then extended family coming in staggered visits for more of the same on Saturday – I will add the photos as they arrive!
Amazona on a wet day before his birthday was wet but fun!Of course the whale shark came everywhere with us!Even when falling over into muddy puddles after chasing geese!It was very wet and this prompted Raffi’es grumpy face which is the face Jonny says he used to see me pull when I was about 16!There were animals we loved (parrots),animals we were scared of (mara – how?!?!) and animals we missed because they were having their roof fixed (crocodiles) but it was an ace day!Then we went to Cromer for some chips and a ride – which when your Gram is with you actually moves and you don’t just get to sit on without putting a coin in!We nearly got blown away!It was so wet and windy it was chips in the car but as you can see from this face – no one minded!Waking up to have presents with Daddy and the big kids before school!Breakfast of chocolate croissants on the sofa!Party time with friends!So much fun!When you’re three!There’s dancing!Party table number 1!Tucking in!And the first of the birthday cakes!We went to Pizza Express in the evening!And absolutely failed to get a decent family picture!But the birthday boy had a brilliant time and that’s all that matters. He wore himself out so much he fell asleep on the way home and even transferred to his new Octonaughts bed for a couple of hours before coming in with me! All refreshed for the next day and a staggered party with family!And then it was time for party round two – a conveyor belt of Grandparents and Aunty and cousins! My Mum’s cake for Raffie!Which he absolutely loved as it is Octonaughts and Whale Shark themed!Best Gram in the world!The spread!Aunty!With his Papa!And a shuffle around of numbers and a cousin too!His sister – his brother and another cousin avoided the camera somehow?!Granny!Daddy – I’m the only one who takes pictures so am never in them!Opening presents – finally!An Octonaughts GUP. His fave! What a lovely birthday!