I like Christmas Eve better than Christmas day and a lazy Friday afternoon at work always felt like the best part of the weekend to me… You’ve still got it all to come you see and once it’s there it’s just all rushing to the end when you suddenly realise normal TV is back on scheduling, the chocolates are eaten, it’s time for a diet and inevitably, it’s a Monday morning and you’re en route to work.
I have been so looking forward to the last part of the summer holidays because it’s a fortnight in the sunshine at the place in Portugal where I got married and have visited many times as I love it so much. It’s a fortnight with my little family all in one place and Jonny won’t be working in a different city to us plus, we get to have my Mum on the holiday too making it a real family affair!
I’m still looking forward to it of course, I’m SO excited! But… On the one hand I simply can’t wait to dip my toes in the azure sea, stroll along the beach and read book after book by the pool before hot footing into Lagos town for cocktails and fine dining of an evening but on the other hand, just like Christmas Eve and the few hours before the weekend really starts, right now, I have it all to come! I know, when we get back it won’t just be the end of our sunshine break but it will be the end of the summer holidays too. It’s straight back to Norwich for Jonny to go to work and straight back to school for Florence too – BOO!
I don’t know how the summer holidays have flown by so rapidly but suddenly we’re hitting the final two weeks and although I’ve been day dreaming about this holiday all summer, I just don’t want real life to start up again. Why can’t we just be on holiday forever eh?
I know, I know, because we have to have things we don’t like so much in order to appreciate even more the things we do like but… Another couple more weeks on top would make me even happier! I can’t believe there’s political talk of snipping down the school summer break for the future?! Madness I tell you!
This last week has been just the children and me back in London and I thought it might be a little sad to be here rather than Norwich with our extended family but actually, we’ve had a brilliant week! We had a big sleep-over at my friend Carly’s house where I drank a bit too much wine and had to go to bed before any of the other adults (the shame, I used to be a party animal), met Pixie Lott, been to the theatre with more friends, celebrated with a big chunk of my Dad’s side of the family at Carluccio’s for my Grandmother’s 87th Birthday, been to another birthday party, set up a YouTube channel for Florence to do her own Vlogging and seen Inside Out (which is brilliant) at the cinema. Tonight we are having a friend over for a sleep-over and then tomorrow the children are off to a local play scheme with three of their good friends for the day so that I can pack for the holiday and clean the house. My counsin is coming with her fella to house sit while we’re away and I simply can’t have her arrive to a less than sparkling house… That said, it’s going to take some hours to make it shine!

So… To Portugal! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂