School Chocolate Slice Recipe!

This is a recipe I used to love when the cooks at school had made it and now, with its chocolate coating it’s one of my kid’s faves too! I love, and they do anything with chocolate so we of course cook with it often. I regularly make them chocolate shapes for school packed lunches as a treat (you can buy chocolate moulds on line) but this sort of recipe really is the very best of school dinners if eating from the hot counter – sadly not something my kiddos choose to do with their particular lunches at school being terrible as far as we are concerned so they have to make do with my recreations of the good at home!
INGREDIENTS: 100g of porridge oats, 100g caster sugar, 150g plain flour, 100g dedicated coconut, 3tbsp cocoa powder, 200g salted butter (melted) 1tsp vanilla essence.
SLICE METHOD: Mix all the ingredients together then push tightly into a greased 9inch square cake pan. Bake in the oven at 180 for 15 minutes (any more and it will be too hard and dry). Remove from the oven, cool, tip out of the pan and ice (see below) before sprinkling with a little more coconut and cutting into squares. .
ICING INGREDIENTS: 125g icing sugar, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 50g salted butter (softened) and one tbsp whole milk. .
ICING METHOD: Mix all the ingredients together until smooth.
This recipe really takes me back to being about 12 in a sense memory explosion of all that was good with school even on the most annoying of days. The slices are super, super yummy!