School’s Nearly Out For Summer!
As we spearhead into the summer term it will be the holidays before we know it so now’s the time to appreciate those lovely teachers who have nurtured and cared for us and our kids all year! What better way to do that than with the gift of teacher shirts?!

And if your teacher doesn’t wear t.shirts then don’t fear, ALL teachers carry teacher bags! They all have masses of stuff to carry to and from school every day so a bespoke “teacher bag” would always make a great gift – something for them to really feel proud of and use for years to come!

But I mean who doesn’t like teacher t shirts?! It’s the perfect way to wear your teacher heart on your sleeve and tell the kiddos exactly who you are in a fun and friendly way – just this when we’re thinking about those special teachers we’ve known!

Everyone has that favourite teacher with special memories that they look back on from their time studying as a kid and on the last day of term it’s the perfect time to say thank you to them so if you’re looking for last day of school shirts then look no further!

Of course it doesn’t have to be a t.shirt or a bag, how about a teacher dresses with the perfect message for the children in the class. My Mum was a teacher before she retired and remembers fondly the children who would stroke her shiny gold shoes which we wore to put a smile on the children’s faces – this could be one step further!