Before half term Jimmy chose ‘football’ as the theme for the next Friday Night Treat Tea but I forgot to grow cress which is something I really wanted to be a part of it so will have to do it another week. Instead I decided that we would have a ‘Sheep Tea’ with all things sheepish!
To drink we had hot chocolate lambies!For our main course I used my Tala sheep face plunge cutters to make sandwiches and I made a garden for them to peek out from behind!Next we had some sheep droppings (grapes). I made the sheep bottom picks and the tails are little bits of candy floss. The children thought it was very funny!To finish we had some sheepy cup cakes which just have a simple cream cheese frosting, a marshmallow tail and a sheep face drawn on using Jane Asher writing icing from Poundland.
So that was our Friday Night Treat Tea this week. Next week we are planning a ‘Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs’ theme which should be fun and I will be better planned for the ‘football tea’ another time!
oh, cream cheese frosting…now that I can NEVER get right when I make it, always far too thin a consistency!
I think mine was too if I’m honest but it was white which I needed…
Love the grape ‘sheep droppings’. Excellent idea
These look too cute to eat!
Genius idea Friday night tea is now going to be special here too
love the hot chocolate lambies