Ever since I got my iPhone I’ve been terrified that I will break it and have been meaning to get it some sort of cover to protect the screen. I want something novel and a little bit different but can’t ever find anything that fits the 5C (which is obviously what I have) or if they do then I don’t really like them… I actually don’t like my phone at all truth be told and can’t wait to get upgraded. The memory on it is attrocious or maybe I don’t know how to use it? All I know is that in order to take one picture I have to delete about 20 or an app and I’m fast running out of things to delete. I KNOW there must be downloaded things somewhere on the phone that I can delete but I’m damned if I can find out where?! I’m a complete bafoon when it comes to technology and it wasn’t until recently that someone showed me how to put it on silent with the click of the side button so if you KNOW where I can find the things that automatically save when I download them from emails and I can make room by deleting them then PLEASE let me know!
Anyway, back to the cover… So. I STILL haven’t found that perfect cover I need to protect the screen on my phone but… This week Tactus sent me their ‘Smootch’ which sticks onto the back of the phone and protects the back as well as providing something entirely different. I have to say, it’s a lot of fun!

The Smootch Cover, which comes in a variety of colours, actually sticks to the window, or any other smooth surface making it easy for ‘hands free’ and quite fun to do a selfie! It sticks on the back yet leaves no sticky residue when removed which is strange but brilliant and it means you can use it again and again! It costs £9.99 which makes it a GRWAT stocking filler don’t you think?!

I’m glad the back of my phone is now protected and I LOVE the name Smootch! Now, if anyone can help me with that storage problem I’d be most grateful! Please?!
I was sent a Smootch case in return for an honest review.
That’s a novel idea, bet it’d be great for selfies and video if you had one of those bluetooth controls. x