On Monday Raffie and I attended a star studded bash to celebrate the launch of new buggy on the block, The Quail! The Quail is, as the name would suggest, a smaller and more compact version of the Egg Stroller which has had its leather handles pushed by more than a few familiar faces and is rather a glamorous looking number it has to be said! Little sister Quail is just as glam but smaller and Raffie and I totally want to have one of our own to ‘crack’ about town with… Let me tell you all about this new city living stroller AND all about the party!
Carolynne from Mummy Endeavours and I rocked up to The Grove Hotel near Watford to be met with some yummy alcohol free prosecco (thanks Scavi and Ray) and were given a demo of this fab new buggy about town the Quail!

I loved how compact it is when up, perfect for the tube, getting on and off the bus and running around the city streets of London but it REALLY impressed me when I saw that compromises absolutely hadn’t been taken. A decent under storage basket is complimented by an add on basket to almost double the size if you so wish AND the add on is insulated but that was really just the first thing I found pleasing about this stroller.

I also loved the changeable back plate which when removed allows simple and easy strap adjusting but which is available in 8 different colours and textures to customise the buggy as you wish (I liked the silver snake print and rose gold the best) and the seat is great when folded flat for a new born BUT… This city buggy, unlike lots, also has a carry cot which can be purchased separately. It’s a tiny carry cot and whereas I wouldn’t usually feel comfortable with one on public transport, I absolutely would use this with a bassinet! It’s perfect because I think a baby SHOULD be in a bassinet until they are 6 months old. It’s far more comfortable but living in London not always the most practical as they are often quite hefty – here the problem is solved! It was tiny but Raffie still looked very little when I gave it a try out so clearly has Tardis like qualities!

There are many great things about this compact stroller on first inspection – it works with a car seat (same adaptors as for the carry cot), there is a buggy board coming out for it, it comes in avariety of colours and it feels super sturdy (I hate a flimsy frame)! However, one of the best qualities, especially if you are working on space being a factor to purchasing a small buggy, this one folds down to super small proportions and stands up on its own when done! LOVE that!

I was very impressed with what I have seen so far and I think Carolynne was too but we weren’t the only ones with shiny eyes for this new cruiser… The celebs were also cooing over it and I don’t blame them! Of all the famous faces in attendance (and there were more than a few), the ones who seemed to LOVE both big Egg and little Egg the most were Aston from JLS and Strictly and his lovely (oh she was SO lovely) girlfriend Sarah. I spoke to them for ages and they were still quite undecided by the end of the bash as to which to plump for but I assured them they should just go for both! I am a firm believer that if you have only one buggy but a lifestyle which takes you from city to country then that one buggy is just simply not enough… I have a Stokke Xplory for Raffie which I LOVE but it doesn’t, with the carry cot, fit in the boot of my tiny car. It actually does do a brilliant job on both city and country pavements but when I visit London I need something that I can carry on my own (people don’t offer to help much and there are LOTS of steps on the tube) and also something that I can keep in the boot of my 3 door Corsa which will work with a car seat. One buggy is fine if you stay in one place but for my lifestyle, and I suspect Aston and Sarah’s, a city buggy and a country buggy are a must (I also have to insist on a holiday buggy – baggage handlers are not kind so I take an umbrella fold for a flight)!

What can I say?! I love a buggy! But in all seriousness I think if you just have one for all areas then something will always have to give and I don’t want it to. I love a high end stroller that looks great but it must work perfectly for the day I am having – a buggy is so much more than just a buggy you see! You have more than one pair of shoes for more than one activity… And, as a buggy is an extension of your style I say go with one of each! Don’t forget you can totally customise this buggy too which is great for the style conscious – I would go for black textiles like the seat, hood, carry cot and extension insulated basket then I’d probably choose two different back covers (the snake skin in silver and the rose gold)The new Quail is the high ender for the city that I’ve been looking for and I will tell you more about it when I’ve test driven the little cracker a bit more!
The new Quail is available in January 2018, suitable from birth and has an RRP of £599.
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