Summer Holidays 2021 – Week Four!
The weeks are just steaming away as they always do when we’re having fun and though this summer is busier than last, it’s not quite as frenetic as our usual ones so that’s both nice and a bit of a shame. I love to be jam packed and can’t quite relax when we’re not so I’ve stepped up the activities a bit I think now. We’ve been on our first camping trip of the summer with our lovely friends and been for family days out which has been lush! We have lots coming up to pack into the last fortnight before I have a high school girl, a year 5 boy (who was only in reception about 2 minutes ago) and my nursery boy going into his last year before big school while the baby and I get used to being just us again for term time. I love them all being off, being home, being mine. I don’t enjoy sending them to school so this last third of the summer coming up feels like a countdown which I hate. I’m very much going to be feeling blue when term starts again, I always do, so I want to plan some things for weekends going forward and have lots to look forward to for October half term. Just me?!