Summer Holidays 2022 – Week Six!
Well we had to come home from Tenerife at some point I suppose… It was hard to drag ourselves back to real life but we had a couple more days in the sun to see us into week six of the summer holidays before it was back to reality. And I guess having a week at home before the madness of school, and, gulp, Raffie starting (I well up when I say that, it seems I do when I type it too) was a good thing. Time to get straight after the amazing time away we had and prepare for the excitement, if you’re Raffie, and sadness if you’re me. I kept thinking about my baby boy not being home every day while on holiday and most of the time I could quash it but then towards the end of the break it became more real feeling and I did have to stop the stinging behind my eyes thinking about something else. He is so excited, so looking forward. I will plan for big Friday night treat tea celebrations, which is what I did when Florence was little, and count down the days to the next lot of school holidays!
We have had the most amazing summer. We are replenished and happy and relaxed for all the wonderful fun we’ve had. We are so lucky on so many levels and one of them is having Jonny home when the schools break up too. Onto the next!
Summer of 2022, you have been magnificent!