As a creative person I am always looking for ways to use that side of myself. If I don’t do anything creative for a while I start to find myself feeling depressed and melancholy. When I worked in an office I found it so stifling that I vowed never to go back after having children and luckily have been able to keep to that. It is all a question of money though and the reason I left acting to work in an office in the first place was because I needed to earn some proper money…
I’ve always taken every opportunity going to earn money from the things I am passionate about like acting and writing but sadly it’s just not as easy to come by that sort of work and is why I ended up instead doing something I couldn’t stand. Ending up in an office full of suits and crying on the tube on my way in because it was all just so not me made me determined once I’d got out that I’d do everything to prevent needing back in again. I guess one of the reasons I blog now, one of the main reasons actually, is because I need that creative outlet and I find it through writing but another reason is to make a little money. I’m not saying I make masses, far from it but I am often gifted things or experience a day out which I would otherwise have to pay for and with a bit of a barter system it works all round. I find now that I have had children I am doing far more a creative things than I ever have done before and I love it but am aware for so many of my friends, that they are still struggling on in office jobs that they really could do without.
Most of my friends are creative too, I’m married to a musician and I’d say the majority of my pals are either musical, dramatic or arty so I see a lot of frustration and I see them just needing that little creative outlet that I have found with blogging. I’ve found something recently that I will be passing on to my friends as it’s a great way for them to express themselves and I think it’s a great way to support the arts! SurveyCompare are an on-line company that allow their members (membership is free) to earn money by completing surveys from reputable companies like Boots, Amazon and Marks and Spencer. This in itself is a great way for the self-employed, people like my friends and I, to have the opportunity to earn a little extra cash. But what I’ve found most interesting is that SurveyCompare are supporting artists by publishing a FREE 2013 calendar which is available for download!
Once downloaded the FREE calendar can be printed and what makes it extra special is that it is a collection of artwork from independent illustrators and bloggers! Agnese Geka who commissioned the calendar says: “The SurveyCompare community is full of artists, writers and makers, who come to us to make a little extra money. It’s easy to forget you have creative skills; the calendar is supposed to be a gentle, inspiring reminder for our community to keep making art. Each month they can turn over a new leaf and see an artwork made not by a celebrity, but by a regular person with creative talent. We encourage people to print and share the calendar with their friends.”
Twelve artists from different walks of life, different stages of their careers and with different out looks on both life and art have come together to create this incredibly special calendar and create something which is both worth owning and hopefully enhancing for each artist. Each artist’s details and a little information about them is included with his or her contribution so they get some promotion. You can have some beautiful and original artwork with of course, as it’s a calendar, monthly themes and it all helps the promotion of an artist – or twelve! What an utterly fabulous idea! And wait till you see the calendar, it’s AWESOME!
This is a featured post but all opinions are entirely my own and in this particular case I absolutely love the idea of the calendar and everything it represents.