Talking to Kids About Bullying
The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

As a parent, there are likely a number of things you worry about when it comes to your kids. One of these issues may be bullying, which can happen both at school and online. Keep reading for details on how to talk to your kids about bullying, whether they have been affected by it or not.
Talk About Bullying
It may be the right time to discuss bullying with your kids, even if they haven’t started school yet. Essentially, a child may become the victim of bullying any time they are around or interacting with other kids, so it is necessary that they understand that this is a behavior that isn’t okay.
You can tell them what they can do if they are bullied, how to behave, and provide examples on what constitutes as bullying. Make sure that your little ones know that it is not nice to bully others and that they should not be silent if it happens to them.
If you are unsure of what to say to your kids, you can refer to websites or books on the subject. They might be able to provide you with scenarios that can lend a hand.
To find out more about how to talk to your kids about bullying, read the articles at BetterHelp. They may offer additional guidance.
Tell Them About Options They Have
Something else that may be helpful to teach your children is that they have options if they need to tell someone that they are being bullied. In addition to being able to rely on you if they encounter a problem, they may also be able to rely on a coach, teacher, or another adult. Take the time to explain that it is okay to tell someone when they are frightened, or they feel uncomfortable or upset.
Keep an Open Dialogue
At times, a child may be hesitant or apprehensive telling you they are being bullied. This is why it is a good idea to talk to your kids each day. Moreover, it should allow you to notice if their behavior changes suddenly, which may be an indication that they have a problem that needs attention.
When you notice an abrupt behavior change, you may be able to talk to them about what is going on and get to the bottom of the situation.
Let Them Know They Can Count on You
Do your best to help your children understand that any time they have a problem, they can come to you for advice and assistance. This may lend a hand when it comes to them feeling comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. Be sure to set aside time for them once they come to you with an issue as well, so they will continue to do so. You likely don’t want your child to feel like they need to handle their problems alone.
Get Help When Needed
In some instances, you might feel like discussing bullying with your children or dealing with it once it’s happened is out of your wheelhouse. This is not necessarily a cause for concern. There are a few ways that you can get help with this issue as a parent. One way is to talk to friends, neighbors, or family members for different perspectives on the matter. You might also want to have a conversation with your spouse, so you can decide together what the proper course of action is.
If these options aren’t available, you can also talk to a counselor or therapist about this matter. They may be able to provide you with tips to utilize, so you can be of assistance to your little ones if they are bullied.
It can be difficult to talk to your kids about bullying, but it is important for them to be informed about it, so they know what to do if it happens to them. You should also take the time to have a plan in place for what you will do if your child is bullied or if they are a bully themselves. Be sure to ask people you know or search for additional resources if you would like more information.