We went to a family wedding last weekend which was lovely. I love a good wedding and a good old dance at the reception afterwards which I most certainly had! Of course this was a family wedding though and extended families often have parties who have argued, fallen out or simply just don’t get on. Perhaps some are different but mine definitely fall into that category! Don’t get me wrong we mostly get on very well but you know, it’s a large family, it couldn’t all be roses I guess!
It was my lot on my Dad’s side and we were in very almost full attendance which is nearly unheard of! On the one hand its rather nice but on the other… Well, sometimes coming face to face with those you’re not wildly keen on and who aren’t specially bothered about you can be a bit of a chore. I know I was a little wondering about how it might pan out! Not worried, I knew I’d be able to be well behaved, but I did wonder if at some point there might be cross words with at least a few of them?
I’m sure everyone has the family plonker, the family snob, the family whatever… Well we are no different but even though some of us don’t get on with others it proved to be a very easy event with everyone saying hello and smiling before eventually even making small talk. Phew!
It was a cousins wedding, a very sweet cousin who looked beautiful and really didn’t need her day being ruined by anyone else. I’m so pleased that people who I thought might cause a stink and people I had felt I had to protect others from came good. I wouldn’t say those people are now all best buddies and we’ll certainly never be happily spending Christmas together (some of us will – we do mostly get on, it’s just a few) but the people I thought might behave badly didn’t. Thankfully. It wasn’t their day and it wasn’t their place to make it upset for the girl and boy whose day it was!
Obviously one cousin did have to throw a hissy fit about something or other and burst into tears before we’d even sat down to dinner. She’d left before the toasts and the rest of us (well my table anyway) rolled our ‘typical’ eyes at each other. Perhaps she hadn’t got the concept of a wedding being about the one in white? Maybe she’ll read the memo next time but I suspect not! Who cares, there’s always one isn’t there! Wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t. Thankfully, on this occasion at least, it wasn’t me!
No sleep and lots going on is how I would describe this week! We’ve been busy , busy again and lots of tube travelling, while its fun, is knackering me out! I’m so looking forward to my holiday which is coming up when I intend to do nothing apart from swim with the children, eat good food and have a few drinks. I might even read a book!
The children have been having a fab time playing and going out and about. We went to the open air theatre in Regents Park to see Erths Dinosaur Zoo and Florence was very brave as some of it was a bit scary! We also went swimming and met up with friends from Norwich in central London which was fab! Florence loves my friends older boys and just wanted to copy everything they were doing which is kind of hard sometimes when you’re only three but they’re such lovely boys that they helped her and played with her all day so she loved it! We went to the Science Museum with them which was brilliant as we love it and we love to show it off to our friends. Jimmy is about the age now that Florence was when I first started taking her and really enjoyed it which was lovely. I love the summer holidays!

Well, that’s it for another summery week. See you again next week and in the mean time please do follow me on Twitter @rocknrollerbaby.
I was not paid for any part of this post.